Hedy d'Ancona

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Hedwig (Hedy) d'Ancona (Den Haag, October 1, 1937) is a Dutch politician and feminist. She was the minister for welfare, public health and culture from 1989 until 1994 and the Secretary of state (staatssecretaris) for issues concerning women's liberation from September 1981 until May 1982. She also served in the European Parliament and in the first chamber of the Dutch parliament, for the Labour Party. Outside of government, she is known for starting the feminist monthly Opzij as well as the pressure group Man-Vrouw-Maatschappij (Man-Woman-Society, started with Joke Kool-Smit). Since 1995, d'Ancona has been the chairwoman of Oxfam Novib (Oxfam Netherlands) and since 1999, she is vice-chairwoman of Oxfam international.


[edit] Career

[edit] Personal

d'Ancona's father was Jewish. During World War II, he was deported and he died before the war ended. Hedy was raised by her grandparents. She is not married and has two children: a son, Hajo and a daughter, Hadassah, who is a television presenter.

[edit] Honors

In 1992, d'Ancona was awarded the Harriet Freezerring, a women's liberation prize, by the monthly Opzij she started. In 1994, she got a royal decoration (she was made Knight in the Order of the Netherlands Lion) and in 2002, she won the Aletta Jacobsprijs, a women's emancipation prize awarded by University of Groningen every second year.

[edit] External links
