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Hebephilia refers to the sexual preference for pubescent children; the term was introduced by Glueck (1955).[1] It differs from ephebophilia, which refers to the erotic interest in children in mid- to late adolescence,[2] and from pedophilia, which refers to the erotic interest in prepubescent children.[3] Men with a sexual preference for adults (i.e., teleiophiles) also have some sexual interest in pubescent-aged individuals; the term hebephilia is reserved for those who prefer pubescent-aged individuals over adults.

[edit] Etiology

It is not known what causes someone to be sexually interested in pubescent children rather than in adults; nor is it established what mechanisms cause an individual to be attracted to whatever s/he is attracted to.

A team of Canadian sexologists has published a series of research articles comparing biologically relevant characteristics of pedophiles, hebephiles, and teleiophiles (individuals with a sexual preference for adults). Hebephilic men are midway between pedophilic men and teleiophilic men on average IQ,[4] memory test scores,[4] rates of non-right-handedness,[5] rates of school grade failures over and above the IQ differences,[6] rates of having suffered head injuries in childhood,[7][8] and physical height.[9]

[edit] Prevalence of hebephilia versus pedophilia

Anonymous surveys of people sexually interested in children more frequently report an erotic interest pubescent children than in prepubescent children.[10][11]

[edit] References

  1. ^ Glueck, B. C., Jr. (1955). Final report: Research project for the study and treatment of persons convicted of crimes involving sexual aberrations. June 1962 to June 1955. New York: New York State Department of Mental Hygiene.
  2. ^ Krafft-Ebing, R., & Moll, A. (1924). Psychopathia sexualis. Stuttgart: Ferdinand Enke.
  3. ^ Krafft-Ebing, R. von. (1886). Psychopathia sexualis: A medico-forensic study (1965 trans by H. E. Wedeck). New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons.
  4. ^ a b Cantor, J. M., Blanchard, R., Christensen, B. K., Dickey, R., Klassen, P. E., Beckstead, A. L., et al. (2004). Intelligence, memory, and handedness in pedophilia. Neuropsychology, 18, 3–14.
  5. ^ Cantor, J. M., Klassen, P. E., Dickey, R., Christensen, B. K., Kuban, M. E., Blak, T., et al. (2005). Handedness in pedophilia and hebephilia. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 34, 447–459.
  6. ^ Cantor, J. M., Kuban, M. E., Blak, T., Klassen, P. E., Dickey, R., & Blanchard, R. (2006). Grade failure and special education placement in sexual offenders’ educational histories. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 35, 743–751.
  7. ^ Blanchard, R., Kuban, M. E., Klassen, P., Dickey, R., Christensen, B. K., Cantor, J. M., & Blak, T. (2003). Self-reported injuries before and after age 13 in pedophilic and non-pedophilic men referred for clinical assessment. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 32, 573–581.
  8. ^ Blanchard, R., Christensen, B. K., Strong, S. M., Cantor, J. M., Kuban, M. E., Klassen, P., Dickey, R., & Blak, T. (2002). Retrospective self-reports of childhood accidents causing unconsciousness in phallometrically diagnosed pedophiles. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 31, 511–526.
  9. ^ Cantor, J. M., Kuban, M. E., Blak, T., Klassen, P. E., Dickey, R., & Blanchard, R. (2007). Physical height in pedophilia and hebephilia. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 19, 395–407.
  10. ^ Bernard, F. (1975). An enquiry among a group of pedophiles. The Journal of Sex Research, 11, 242–255.
  11. ^ Wilson, G. D., & Cox, D. N. (1983). Personality of paedophile club members. Personality and Individual Differences, 4, 323–329.