Health Canada

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Departments of the Government of Canada

Santé Canada
Minister Tony Clement
Established 1996
Responsibilities Health
Employees 10,000 [1]
Department Website

Health Canada (French: Santé Canada) is the department of the government of Canada with responsibility for national public health.

The current Minister of Health is Tony Clement, a Conservative Member of Parliament appointed to the position by Prime Minister Stephen Harper.


[edit] Branches, regions and agencies

Health Canada has the following branches, regions and agencies:[2]

[edit] Ministers and officers

[edit] Branches, offices, and bureaus

  • Audit & Accountability Bureau
  • Bureau of Veterinary Drugs
  • Public Affairs, Consultations and Regions Branch
  • Corporate Services Branch
  • Departmental Secretariat
  • First Nations & Inuit Health Branch
  • Health Policy Branch
  • Health Products & Food Branch
  • Healthy Environments & Consumer Safety Branch
  • Information, Analysis & Connectivity Branch
  • Legal Services
  • Office of the Cameron Visiting Chair
  • Office of the Chief Dental Officer
  • Office of the Chief Scientist
  • Pest Management Regulatory Agency

[edit] Agencies

[edit] Laboratories

  • Laboratory Centre for Disease Control
  • Sir Frederick G Banting Research Centre

[edit] Offices

  • Nurse Recruitment
  • Public Services Health Medical Centre
  • Chief Financial Officer

[edit] Related legislation

Acts for which Health Canada has Total or Partial Responsibility[3]

  • Assisted Human Reproduction Act
  • Canada Health Act
  • Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse Act
  • Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999
  • Canadian Institutes of Health Research Act
  • Controlled Drugs and Substances Act
  • Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty Implementation Act (Not in force)
  • Department of Health Act
  • Financial Administration Act
  • Fitness and Amateur Sport Act
  • Food and Drugs Act
  • Hazardous Materials Information Review Act
  • Hazardous Products Act
  • Patent Act
  • Pest Control Products Act
  • Pesticide Residue Compensation Act
  • Quarantine Act, 2005
  • Radiation Emitting Devices Act
  • Tobacco Act & Act to Amend the Tobacco Act (Sponsorship)

Acts for which Health Canada is Involved or has a Special Interest

  • Broadcasting Act
  • Canada Labour Code
  • Canada Medical Act
  • Canada Shipping Act
  • Canadian Food Inspection Agency Act
  • Emergency Preparedness Act
  • Energy Supplies Emergency Act
  • Excise Tax Act
  • Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act
  • Feeds Act
  • Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
  • National Parks Act
  • Nuclear Safety and Control Act
  • Non-Smokers Health Act
  • Queen Elizabeth II Canadian Research Fund Act
  • Trade Marks Act

[edit] See also

[edit] External links
