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Hazon is a nonprofit organization, based in New York City, that seeks to create new vision in the Jewish community through outdoor and environmental education. In Hebrew, hazon means "vision."

Hazon is best known for the Jewish environmental bike rides it organizes in the New York City region, and for its joint sponsorship of the Israel Ride, a fundraiser in Israel for the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies. The New York ride, which takes place during Labor Day weekend each year, combines a Shabbaton on the Friday and Saturday, with two days of cycling on the Sunday and Monday. The first New York ride was held in 2001. The Israel Ride has been held since 2003.

Hazon was founded in 2000 by Nigel Savage. Its first program was a six week cross-USA bike ride, from Washington State to Washington DC.

Hazon also promotes programs on issues related to food. Its Tuv Ha'aretz program sponsors Jewish communities (synagogues, JCCs, schools) to build community supported agriculture programs (farm shares), and to engage in study of Jewish sources and traditions as it relates to healthy eating. Tuv Ha'aretz is a Hebrew phrase that suggests both "best of the land" and "good for the land".

Hazon's Board of Directors includes Mandy Patinkin and Ruth Messinger.

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