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Hashimashadoo...or 'hash' as he is known by most, is a teenage fantasy proof reader for a local author in Cornwall, England. Not a lot goes on in his life. He spends most of his time on his computer or reading, whiling away the hours with senseless games or online comics.

He is a reputable D&D dungeon master, one of only a few in his county and owns every sourcebook he can get his hands on. When he isn't at college working (or not as the case may be) he is doing chores or, as already mentioned, on his computer that he built himself several years ago. He is usually the quiet one at parties although if someone takes the initiative and talks to him he is quite happy to have a good conversation. Hash believes he is a very unlucky person and, in some cases that is true, although in others he is actually quite fortunate. Hash goes from meaningless relationship to meaningless relationship sparsely interrupted with meaningful relationships that end badly. This is a cause for much depression in his life. Hash could probably be considered a goth in terms of social status as he is depressed a lot of the time and likes the clothing style however, he hasn't worn make-up since...the barndance, an event that occurred several years ago that thankfully only a few people scattered around the country know about. Sometimes known to drink a lot, his favorite tipple is English cider. A few years ago something known only as the "Cointreau incident" occurred. It involved two thirds of a bottle of Cointreau, most of a bottle of orange Tango and a "Bombay Bad Boy" Pot Noodle. To this day he still finds the taste of Orange Tango abhorrent. He spent the first sixteen years of his life living in Birmingham and when his parents forced him to move south, two hundred and fifty miles away it hit him relatively hard as he had to leave all of his friends and family behind. This is a cause for much depression in his life. Hash also has a way of sounding like a bad person when he really isn't. He is stubborn and if he believes in something he will argue his case until proven unequivacably wrong or threatened with something he cannot control (faschists!). He does so enjoy to argue though, especially about politics and philosophy.