Hasselt University

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face of buildings of Hasselt University with sequoia tree
face of buildings of Hasselt University with sequoia tree
"Agora" meeting place of Hasselt University
"Agora" meeting place of Hasselt University

Hasselt University is a university with campuses in Hasselt and Diepenbeek, Belgium. It was founded in 1971, as the Limburgs Universitair Centrum. On June 15, 2005 the university changed its name to Hasselt University.

The university consists of 3 faculties:

The rector of the university currently is prof. dr. Luc de Schepper, the vice-rector is prof. dr. Mieke Van Haegendoren.


[edit] University Hasselt-Maastricht

Currently, the Universities of Hasselt and Maastricht work together as the Transnational University Limburg (tUL) for studies in IT and Biomedical Sciences.

It was planned that in the academic year 2007-2008, a joint bachelor programme in law would be organized by the tUL and the K.U.Leuven. However, the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders/Belgium was of the opinion that the proposed programme was not yet sufficiently developed. The starting date for this programme has therefore been postponed.

[edit] Location

Hasselt University is located in Diepenbeek (a small town near Hasselt) but is expanding towards Hasselt, the capital of Limburg.

[edit] Institutes

Research institutes of the university:

[edit] Student organisations

The most important student organisation is the student's union, STURA: a group of ten elected students who are the representatives of the students and who make sure the student's rights are respected. http://studentenraad.uhasselt.be (Site in Dutch only)

Other Student organisations at the University Hasselt are:

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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