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The Hase is a 193 km long river in Lower Saxony, Germany. It is a right tributary of the Ems, but part of its flow goes to the Else, that is part of the Weser basin. Its source is in the Teutoburg Forest, south-east of Osnabrück, on the north slope of the 307 m high Hankenüll hill.

[edit] Weser-Ems Watershed

After approx. 15 km, near Gesmold (about 6km west from Melle), the Hase encounters an anomaly of terrain and bifurcates such that each branch flows in a different drainage system:

  • one third of its waters flow along the south side of the Wiehengebirge hills eastward from Gesmold into the Else, which begins there, and flows into the Werre at Kirchlengem (north of Herford). The Werre is a tributary of the Weser.
  • two thirds of its waters (the Hase proper) flow northwest from Gesmold toward Osnabrück, past the towns listed below, and toward Meppen, where the Ems receives its flow.

[edit] Towns on the Hase

[edit] HASE

Hollie Jones. Abi Soley. Sophie Woodford. Emma Davies.

Best friends from a young age, created the band HASE in december 2007. although at school (Lode Heath in Solihul - Westmidlands) they didnt see eye to eye. Cousins Abigale and Hollie befriended Emma and Sophie before becoming an inseperable foursome. These typical Solihull girls have a unique sound and with their first single releasing by christmas 08 are looking for a number christmas hit, in honour of Hollies 18th birthday. Hollie 17, a black belt blonde born and raised a WEST BROM fan is seen as the ditsy one but really shes the secret weapon being a dancer along with her cousin Abi at Stratford Upon Avon College. Abigale (16) who attracts all male attention with her stunning blonde hair and the ability to shake on down, likes a piece of pie now an then. Being in the youngest of the group she is the virgin (shnaat) and innocent of the group. Sophie the wreckless promiscuous one who will be jetting of in the next month to a Flybe airhostessing job, greatly missed by her fellow HASE members likes to party and mother the group being the oldest of 18. Created HASE along with Emma in the last year, as they have been friends since the age of 12 and never once argued. Both girls are constantly laughing and lovable people. Emma who on the 9th of June will be reaching the age of 18 with a pink driving licence, always partying and never working. Very oppinionated and although is easy to get on will tell how it is and how she feels for an easier life, the practises of HASE began in her back room with her electric organ which she has been playing since the young age of 7. All four girls will be making it big in the next few years. watch this space...