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Alistair Harley Biography

I have been into bikes for the last 40 years, first jumping onto  a 98cc New Hudson Autocycle and then a BSA Bantam, 350 AJS single and  175 CZ. It was many years until I could afford a Harley, an FXR, which was the most expensive bike I’ve ever had and the best one too. I started
my working life as a Draughtsman, making a career change to Psychiatric  Nursing and moving to management and latterly helping in the design of  a major General Hospital. Taking early retirement, I moved into a business dear to my lifelong passion. I was never content with just selling,  designing and manufacturing parts and like to think I have learnt much that I can also pass onto others. With this in mind I have embarked writing features  for magazines with the subject of Designing and Building Custom Motorcycles. My wife Ellen is a Nurse counsellor and therapist and has just become a Phd.  My Elder son, Jongsan, works with me in the business but is training to be a Personal Trainer. My youngest son, Loksan, is still at school and has 

future career interests in International Relations. Alistair Harley has through detailed research, established direct family links with the families of the original creators and owners of that iconic Harley Davidson Motorcycle

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To reach the website for A R Harley & Sons Ltd for further background information