The Dessert: Harmony in Red (The Red Room)

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The Dessert: Harmony in Red by Henri Matisse, 1908.
The Dessert: Harmony in Red by Henri Matisse, 1908.

The Dessert: Harmony in Red is a painting by French artist Henri Matisse, from 1908.[1]

Originally it was called Harmony in Blue. It was bought by a collector, but Matisse was not satisfied with the overall blue, which did not provide sufficient contrast with the green seen through the window in the painting. He worked on it further and covered the blue with red, which was how it was delivered eventually to the purchaser.

It is in the collection of the Hermitage Museum, but currently (as of February 2008) on display in the Royal Academy, London.

[edit] Notes and references

  1. ^ "Henri Matisse" (bio), (Splashweb), 2004-12-06, webpage: FP-HMatisse.

It is orginaly called harmony in the red room
