Harry Vincent

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Harry Vincent is a character in The Shadow stories. His first appearance was in The Living Shadow, a story in the April 1931 issue of "The Shadow Magazine".

Harry was an agent of The Shadow. A young, friendly man, he was used primarily to gather information from numerous people. He made more appearances than any other agent of The Shadow.

[edit] Story

When Harry first appeared, he was emotionally distraught and was attempting to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge. The Shadow intervened and offered Harry a new life as one of his agents. In exchange for a perilous life, he could live a life of honor and help people clandestinely.

Much of the first novel is told through the eyes of Harry Vincent, as the main character, while The Shadow himself is rarely seen.

[edit] Comic books

In DC comics the Shadow strikes Harry Vincent plays a much larger role as one of the Shadows chief agents. Often questioning the Shadows orders and motives the two are often in conflict. In many issues it is the more relatable Harry Vincent who is the lead character while the Shadow is relegated to a minor character or a plot device. There are even a series of issues in which Harry embarks on a quest to find out the real story of Margo Lane. The first time in literature she's given a ture "origin story".

[edit] Trivia

In the 1994 film, The Shadow, one of the opening scenes depicts a scientist, Roy Tam, who is about to be thrown from a bridge by mobsters. After The Shadow saves him, Tam becomes one of his agents. This scene was adapted from The Living Shadow, where Harry Vincent is introduced.