Harry Halbreich

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Harry Halbreich is a Belgian musicologist.

He studied with Olivier Messiaen at the Paris Conservatoire, and became professor of musical analysis at the University of Mons.

He is known for a number of books, articles and studies on modern and contemporary music, including works on Messiaen, Claude Debussy, Arthur Honegger and Bohuslav Martinů. He has prepared musical catalogues of the works of Honegger and Martinů, and their works are therefore sometimes referred to by their H number. He assisted Nicolas Basri in orchestrating Honegger's opera , La morte de Sainte Alméenne, originally written in 1918 for voice and piano; the new version was premiered in Utrecht om 26 November 2005, on the 50th anniversary of the composer's death.

his interest in modern music has led to articles on composers including Iannis Xenakis, Giacinto Scelsi, György Ligeti, Edgard Varèse and Maurice Ohana. But he has also written on composers of the past including Johann Sebastian Bach and Ludwig van Beethoven.

This article is a translation of the article in French Wikipedia

[edit] Bibliography

  • Albéric Magnard, together with Simon-Pierre Perret, Fayard, 2001. (ISBN 2-213608466)
  • Arthur Honegger, un musicien dans la cité des hommes, Fayard, 1992. (ISBN 2-213028370)
  • L'Oeuvre d'Arthur Honegger : Chronologie, catalogue raisonné, analyses, discographie, Fayard, 1994. (ISBN 2-852032821)
  • Bohuslav Martinů, Fayard, 1968. (ISBN 3-795705657)
  • Debussy, sa vie et sa pensée, together with Edward Lockspeiser, Fayard, 1989. (ISBN 2-213024189)
  • Olivier Messaien, Fayard, 1980. (ISBN 2-213030154)
  • Johann Sebastian Bach