Harald Martenstein

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Harald Martenstein (born 9 September 1953 in Mainz) is a German journalist and author.

[edit] Life

Martenstein studied History and Romanistik in Freiburg. From 1981 to 1988, he was a journalist at the Stuttgarter Zeitung and from 1988 to 1997 he was a journalist at Tagesspiegel in Berlin. Then, Matenstein took up for a short time the line of the culture editorship at the Abendzeitung (AZ) in Munich, however he returned a little later to leading editor of the daily mirror. Since 2002 he writes a column for Die Zeit, there under the title "Lebenszeichen" and since May 24, 2007 in the context of Zeit-Magazin LEBEN under "Harald Martenstein". In revised form 50 of these linguistic cabinet bits and satirical Causerie appeared to be drawn in 2004 from the anthology by the life. Since 2004 Martenstein is represented beside the columns in GEO Kompakt.

In 2004, he received the Egon-Erwin-Kisch-Preis for the second best German language report in 2004. Thereby he inherited guidance disputes in a Frankfurt one as the Suhrkamp publishing house was concerned. There was also a lack of cooperation with the publishing house boss over a report over investigative journalism.

In February 2007 Martenstein's novel dubut Heimweg appeared, for which in the same year he was destinguished with the CORINE Debütpreis. For the Frankfurt book fair 2007 he has a book named Vom Leben gezeichnet with a sequel Gesammelten Zeit-Kolumnen announced.

Martenstein has a son (born 1991) and lives separated from his wife in Berlin-Kreuzberg.

[edit] Works

  • Männer sind wie Pfirsiche. C. Bertelsmann, München, 2007, ISBN 978-3-570-00961-1
  • Heimweg. Roman, C. Bertelsmann, München, Feb. 2007, ISBN 978-3-570-00953-6
  • Vom Leben gezeichnet. Tagebuch eines Endverbrauchers. Hoffmann und Campe, Hamburg, August 2004.
  • Wachsen Ananas auf Bäumen? Wie ich meinem Kind die Welt erkläre. Hoffmann und Campe, Hamburg 2001.
  • Spot aus! Licht an! Meine Story, zus. mit Ilja Richter, Hoffmann und Campe, Hamburg 1999.
  • Das hat Folgen. Deutschland und seine Fernsehserien. Reclam, Leipzig 1996.
  • Die Mönchsrepublik. Erotik in der deutschen Politik von Adenauer bis Claudia Nolte. Fannei & Walz, Berlin 1994.

[edit] External links

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