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The History of HappyHarryNET

The idea of HappyHarryNET began as a seed. The idea was given to Harry in 1995 by one of Harry's closest friends and mentor, Dwight O., who gave Harry the idea for the name Happy Harry. At the time, Harry was grossly suffering with a myriad of physical pain and mental trauma from a brain injury that he sustained on August 6, 1993 when Harry was struck head-on by a car while driving his motorcycle. Dwight thought if Harry put the idea, "Happy Harry" on his refrigerator, perhaps Harry's extremely painful physical life, would improve over time by Harry seeing, "Happy Harry" on his refrigerator. Dwight knew that this seed he was planting in Harry, would indeed flourish immensely and would integrate well with Harry's arsenal of mental creativity. Two years later, Harry not only began improving physically, but Harry had taken Dwight's idea and expounded upon it. In 1997 Harry purchased a domain and constructed his website HappyHarry.NET in the name of rehabilitation and helping others.

This is a prime example of, "the power of suggestion". Putting a visual idea in front of someone who needs help can have a positive impact on their life. These practices are approved by our medical community. Most people have pictures of their loved ones on their refrigerator. Most people have pictures on their refrigerator of things that they want or plan to purchase. HappyHarryNET (talk) 08:30, 23 April 2008 (UTC)