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// Originally based on // See [[Wikipedia:WikiProject User scripts/Scripts/Show last diff]] // addLastDiff function addLastDiff() { if (wgCanonicalNamespace != "Special") { addPortletLink('p-cactions', '' + wgPageName + "&diff=cur&oldid=prev", 'last', 'ca-last', 'Show most recent diff'); }} addOnloadHook(addLastDiff); // Gives assessment data for an article // Just like [[User:Outriggr/metadata.js]], but this one has [[User:Pyrospirit|a newbie]] hacking around with it. //if (wgNamespaceNumber==0 && wgAction=='view') //importScript('User:Pyrospirit/metadata.js'); // Adds a tab for "changes since I last edited" //importScript('User:Happy-melon/since.js'); importScript('Wikipedia:WikiProject User scripts/Scripts/Changes since I last edited'); //Toolbox links if (wgNamespaceNumber >= 0){ addOnloadHook(function(){ addPortletLink('p-tb', wgServer+wgScript+'?title=Special:Log&page='+wgPageName, 'Page logs', 't-pagelog', 'View logs for this page', '', document.getElementById('t-upload')) })} if (wgNamespaceNumber == 2){ addOnloadHook(function(){ addPortletLink('p-tb', wgServer+wgScript+'?title=Special:Listusers&limit=1&username='+wgTitle.split('/')[0], 'User rights', 't-userrights', 'View rights for this user', '', document.getElementById('t-upload')) })} if (wgNamespaceNumber > 1){ addOnloadHook(function(){ addPortletLink('p-tb', wgServer+wgScript+'?title=Special:Prefixindex/'+wgPageName+'&limit=100', 'Subpages', 't-prefix', 'View subpages of this page', '', document.getElementById('t-upload')) })} //Collapse FAQ on [[Wikipedia:Village pump (technical)]] function HideVPFAQ(){ var t=document.getElementById('villagepumpfaq'); if(!t) return; t=t.getElementsByTagName('TABLE'); if(!t || t.length==0 || t[0].id.substr(0,16)!='collapsibleTable') return; collapseTable(t[0].id.substr(16)); } if(doneOnloadHook) HideVPFAQ(); //if imported dynamically else addOnloadHook(HideVPFAQ); //Move search bar up addOnloadHook(function() { document.getElementById("column-one").insertBefore(document.getElementById("p-search"), document.getElementById("p-interaction")) }) //Swap editbox and diff in undo mode if(queryString('undo') && queryString('undoafter')) addOnloadHook(undoStyle) function undoStyle() { //yes, icky, should work in IE7 though. var t = document.getElementById('toolbar'); var e = document.getElementById('editform') var w = document.getElementById('wikiPreview'); var tb = t.innerHTML var tb = '<div id="toolbar">' + tb + '</div>'; var ef = e.innerHTML var efw = e.parentNode.innerHTML.match(/\<form[^>]*\>/ig)[0]; ef = efw + ef + '</form>'; w.innerHTML += tb + ef; t.innerHTML = ''; = ''; e.innerHTML = ''; = ''; e.action = ''; } function queryString(p) { var re = RegExp('[&?]' + p + '=([^&]*)'); var matches; if (matches = re.exec(document.location)) { try { return decodeURI(matches[1]); } catch (e) { } } return null; }