Maximum permissible exposure, IEC 60825
Pulse shaper layout
Femtosecond pulse shapes
Prism compressor
Prism compressor curve
Prism compressor sizes
CPA compressor
CPA stretcher
Laser goggles
Laser goggles w/ EN207 specs
Coherent 899 dye laser
Light through prism
Spectra Physics Tsunami Ti:sapphire oscillator
Close-up of CMYK halftone rasters
CIExy1931 with monitor gamut
Hubbert peak oil plot
Conducting 6/8 time
Conducting 4/4 time
Conducting 3/4 time
Conducting 2/4 time
Erythemal action spectrum
Lund Cathedral
Rolled oats
Euro exchange rate to USD, JPY, and GBP
Kepler laws diagram
Pulse generators
Gamut in 3D
Gamut of reflective colors
Gamut of RGB displays
Amanita phalloides
Amanita fulva