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This page is to keep track of the various Japanese words and phrases I learned while watching many anime and becoming a otaku. Don't ask how I remembered where I learn them from though=P.

Series learned from Japenese Word/Phrase English Word/Meaning Details
1 Sailor Moon Uretai Touch
2 Unmei Destiny
3 Hoshi Star Space star, not Idol Star
4 Kaze Wind
5 Bakana Impossible
6 Tachi Group Usually has something before it, like Uranus-tachi.
7 Baka Stupid
8 Urusei Shut up
9 Nani What
10 Jinkan Time
11 Hime Princess
12 Nakimushi Crybaby
13 Onegai Please
14 Sonna Koto Nai I don't think so
15 Ikimasho Lets go
16 Matte Wait
17 Dosh Da Whats wrong
18 Hayaku Hurry up
Series learned from Japenese Word English Word/Meaning Details
1 Bleach Gahki Brat Used for annoying brats.
2 Kuzu Boy Rude way of saying boy.
3 Unocanei Move
4 Tamashimi Soul
5 Hitsugaya Amatuer
6 Kuroi Black The color black, not meant for describing people.
7 Shiroi White
8 Onna Woman
9 Korus Kill
10 Mo Ei Na Enough