Hank Bergman

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Sgt. Hyman Bergman (U.S. Army)
Born unavailable

Nickname Hank
Place of birth Baltimore,Maryland Flag of Maryland
Allegiance United States of America
Service/branch United States Army
Years of service 1943-1945(US Army)
Rank Sergeant (USA)
Unit 3rd Infantry Division,30th Infantry Division,88th Infantry Division
Battles/wars World War II: Naples-Foggia, Rome-Arno, North Appennines, Po Valley, Sicily, Salerno, Anzio, Mt.Cassino.
Awards Silver Star
Bronze Star
Combat Infantryman's Badge
European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal with Bronze Battle Stars (4)
World War II Victory Medal
American Campaign Medal
Good Conduct Medal
Cold War Recognition Certificate.

Hyman "Hank" Bergman of Baltimore, Maryland, was a U.S. Army combat veteran of World War II, who was awarded the Silver Star for single-handedly destroying a German machine-gun nest, while under enemy fire.


[edit] Pre-World War II Years

Hyman "Hank" Bergman was born and raised on North Appleton Street in Baltimore, Maryland. He was raised in the same neighborhood as professional boxer Jack Portney and actor Steve Wayne-real name, Norman Weinberger.

According to a 1945 article in the Baltimore Evening Sun; while in high school, Bergman lettered in baseball and football, but was more known for his baseball abilities. He earned the nickname "Hank", because fans said he reminded them of major league baseball star Hank Greenberg. With Bergman pitching, his high school baseball team from P.S. # 91, defeated P.S. # 115 to win the Baltimore City Championship in 1934. He was also a member of Baltimore's " Easterwood Boys", a youth group associated with Easterwood Park.


After graduating from City College, Bergman played semi-pro softball; playing on teams sponsored by Coca-Cola. The 1930s were still Depression years, and to earn some extra money, Bergman joined the Civilian Conservation Corps; clearing swamps and helping to build roads and highways. Bergman reportedly engaged in boxing matches during this time, but it's unclear if they were amateur or professional bouts.

After receiving an honorable discharge from the CCC, Bergman worked as an aircraft riveter prior to entering the United States military.

[edit] World War II Service

Hank Bergman joined the United States Army in March, 1943. Following basic training at Fort Jackson,South Carolina, Bergman's military occupation was listed as "Rifleman 745". Bergman later served at Fort Meade, Maryland.

He was sent overseas and served with the famed 3rd Infantry Division (made famous by Medal of Honor recipient,Audie Murphy), the 88th Infantry Division, the 30th Infantry Division, and the 349th Infantry Regiment. In Audie Murphy's autobiography, he mentions a soldier named Bergman, but it's unclear if he meant Hank Bergman.

Bergman saw combat at such "hot-spots" as Anzio, Monte Cassino, and Po Valley. He was in the invasion of Italy, and was involved in fierce fighting at the Anzio beach-head. Also served in Africa, Europe, and the Middle East. His campaigns and battles included Naples-Foggia, Rome-Arno, North Appennines, and Po Valley.

By direction of the President of the United States, under provisions of Executive Order 9419, 4 February 1944 (Sec. II, WD Bul. 3, 1944), a Bronze Star is awarded to Sergeant (then Private First Class) Hyman Bergman, 30th Infantry, for exemplary conduct in ground combat against the armed enemy during the Naples-Foggia Campaign in the Mediterranean. BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OF THE ARMY: /t/ Alfred E. Bonnwell, Adjutant General.

Bergman was awarded the Combat Infantryman Badge in 1944, his citation reads:

On 26 October 1944, Headquarter Thirtieth Infantry APO # 3, Special Orders Number 147, the following members of this orgn, are awarded the COMBAT INFANTRY BADGE for exemplary conduct in action against the enemy-PFC Hyman Bergman, VOCO DATE: 1 January 1944.

[edit] Silver Star Medal

Hank Bergman was awarded the Silver Star for gallantry in action.[1] His citation reads:

13 June 1945, Headquarters 88th Infantry Division, US Army, APO # 88, General Orders, Number 75: Award of the Silver Star: Hyman Bergman, Sergeant, (then private), Company "B", 349th Infantry Regiment. For gallantry in action on 15 April 1945, near Furcoli, Italy. Sergeant BERGMAN displayed outstanding gallantry in attacking German positions while exposed in hostile fire. When Company "B" attacked Furcoli Ridge, the enemy was firmly entrenched in caves. As Sergeant BERGMAN's platoon advanced, the intensity of the fire became so terrific that the platoon was unable to move. Disregarding his own safety, Sergeant Bergman made his way forward alone, hostile fire cutting about him and shells bursting close by. Near the machine gun emplacement, he poured his fire into the dugout, killing one of the enemy, wounding and driving the others away in disorder. By his fearlessness in extreme danger and intrepid leadership, Sergeant BERGMAN destroyed the German machine gun position and enabled his platoon to advance. His gallant action has won the praise of his fellow soldiers and has reflected the fighting traditions of the American infantry soldier. Entered military service from Baltimore, Maryland. BY COMMAND OF GENERAL KENDALL. W.J.Zerger, Major, A.G.D., Asst. Adj. Gen., R.J. McBride, Colonel, G.S.C., Chief of Staff.

According to an article written by Sgt. Marvin Posner, U.S. Army Infantry, who was awarded the Purple Heart, the Bronze Star and Combat Infantryman Badge; Posner was in Italy's Po Valley hunkered down in a foxhole while shells and bullets whistled all around; " Suddenly, someone jumped into the foxhole, finger on the pin of a grenade, and landed on Marvin's shoulders. It was Hank Bergman, a member of the Easterwood Boys, friend of the Jackson Club guys and a neighbor. " What the hell are you doing here?" questioned Hank when he recognized Marvin. Hank had been ordered by his captain to take out a German machine gun nest about 15 yards atop a knob. Still holding the grenade pin, Hank jumped off Marvin's shoulders, crawled on his belly and headed for the right flank while Marvin attempted to distract the Germans' attention. They were fighting for their lives against a superior weapon-the fastest machine gun in the world used by the Germans that could replace an empty barrel in one-fifth of one second just by a flip of the lever. Marvin killed one German manning the machine gun. A loud bang was heard. A grenade thrown by Hank, a former baseball pitcher, destroyed the enemy's machine gun nest."

Bergman was awarded the Silver Star, the Bronze Star, the Combat Infantryman Badge, World War II Victory Medal, European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal with 4 Bronze Battle Stars, American Campaign Medal, the Good Conduct Medal, Honorable Service Lapel Button, Rifleman's Badge, and the Cold War Recognition Certificate. He was a veteran of World War II and the Cold War.

[edit] Post War Years

Hank Bergman left the army to attend college on the G.I. Bill. Following the war, Bergman was approached about running for political office in Baltimore, Maryland, but decided to seek a career in education instead.

Bergman moved to Miami Beach, Florida, where he graduated from the University of Miami with a Bachelor's Degree in Education. He taught public school in Baltimore, Maryland for 2 years, then moved to Miami Beach, Florida where he taught 6th grade for Miami-Dade County Public Schools for 30 years.

Later graduated from Nova Southeastern University with a Master's Degree and a Specialist Degree in Education.

Bergman became an avid chess player and was a 30 year member of the Miami Beach Chess Club. On Saturday, May 11, 1968, at the Miami Beach Chess Club in Miami Beach, Florida, Bergman defeated American Chess Champion Anthony Santasiere in a one-against-21 event. Santasiere scored 12 victories, 3 draws, 4 defaults, and lost to Hank Bergman and Irving Lynch.

From 1973 to 2004, Bergman trained his son, Sherman Bergman in boxing and kickboxing.

Bergman lives with his wife and son in retirement in the North Beach section of Miami Beach, Florida, and is active in community service activities.

Bergman became involved with the pop-tab recycling campaign to support the Ronald McDonald House in Miami, Florida. The McDonald House provides comfort, support, and housing to families that have seriously ill children being treated in area hospitals. According to three Miami Herald newspaper reports, since 2004, Bergman personally collected 22,000 pop-tabs to aid the campaign.

[edit] References

  • Miami Herald, Thursday, August4, 2005, Neighbors MB, page 12: Miami Beach Adult and Community Education Center, by Estaphanie Resnik.
  • Miami Herald, Sunday, January 23, 2005, Neighbors MB, page 25: Helping the Needy, by Andrea Torres.
  • Miami Herald, Sunday, August 4, 2004, Neighbors MB, page 31: Collection Campaign.
  • ????????????,Baltimore, Maryland: A Tale of Heroism, by Sgt. Marvin Posner, U.S. Army Infantry.
  • The Chalkboard, May, 2001, Volume 1, Issue 5, page 2: Sherman Bergman, by Jairo Naranjo.
  • Miami Herald, Sunday, August 13, 2000, Neighbors MB, page 4: Instructor 'martials' his students to succeed, by Melisma Cox.
  • Miami Herald, Thursday, September 24, 1998, Neighbors, Miami Beach, page 4: BOXER'S Real Kick is Teaching English, He's also a knockout in the ring, by Mose Alexenberg.
  • Miami Herald, September 29, 1995, Neighbors, page 4: Boxer's Real Kick is Teaching.
  • Miami Herald, Saturday, April 8, 1995, page 21A: Sacrifices of Veterans.
  • Foundation USA Brazil, December 1993, page 3: Champion our Champion, by Vera Lins ferst.
  • Miami Herald, Sunday, September 22, 1991, MB, page 38: Teacher Gets His Kicks in Classroom and Ring, by Johnny Diaz.
  • Miami Herald, July 12, 1990, Neighbors MB, page 6: Kickboxer Inspires Students, by Johnny Diaz.
  • Soldier of Fortune Magazine, April 1980, page 23: It Happened to Me, by Hyman "Hank" Bergman as told to M.L. Jones.
  • Daily Sun, Sunday, October 14, 1962, page 6A: New Central Beach Principal Honored, photo by Ted Press.
  • Miami Herald, Sunday, May 12, 1968, page 2-B: Chess Champion.
  • Baltimore Evening Sun, Baltimore, Maryland, The Armed Services, October ?, 1945:
  • Baltimore Evening Sun, Baltimore, Maryland,(section)The Armed Services,1945: Outstanding Gallantry Wins Sergeant a Medal.