Hand game

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There are many different hand games, so named because they are played with the hands. Games include Rock, Paper, Scissors, Odd or Even, Thumb Wrestling, Mercy, Finger Baseball, Quarm and many more. They can be played as one-player or two-player games.

One game, the Finger-Hole Game involves tricking someone into looking through your "OK" hand gesture (Thumb and Index finger touching, other fingers extended up). The person making the gesture (trickster) must hold the "finger hole" below the waist for the other person (victim) to look through it. If the victim looks, the trickster is allowed to punch him in the arm.

If, however, the victim manages to break the gesture (by shooting his pointer finger through the tricksters "ok" hand gesture, the move is void and the trickster has no right to punch the victim.

The trickster may accumulate a number of points and administer the beating all at once. If six points are accumulated, a bare-butt spanking may be administered to the victim.

Quarm is a traditional European game played by the monks of medieval times. It involves placing both your hands adjacent to an opponents hands with your fists clenched and then simultaneously opening either one or both of your hands. The aim of the game is to guess how many hands (of the 4) will be open in total. The person who goes first, guesses first, saying their guess at the same time as the hands are revealed. For each guess their is an associated word, Quarm = 0, Um = 1, Shush = 2, Goody = 3, Ken = 4. The idea of the game is to guess correctly 3 times in a row to become Quarm Master. If the guess is wrong then it becomes the opponents turn.

[edit] See also