Category:Handbook templates

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The Help pages include links to two templates at their top and bottom, respectively: Template:H:h (the header) and Template:H:f (the footer).

The header takes one argument, which is passed through to the real template that is called, which has a name of the form: [[Template:H:h {{SUBJECTSPACE}}]] (where {{SUBJECTSPACE}} is the namespace of the page, i.e. Help for Help:Section). So, Template:H:h is really (for Help pages) just a redirect to Template:H:h Help. Template:H:h Help, in turn, starts with a call to Template:hh, followed by a call to a Template with name of the argument passed, i.e. Template:editor toc, which makes the section ToC, then calls [[Template:Phh:{{PAGENAME}}]] (i.e. Template:Phh:Section for Help:Section) which has the project specific stuff in it.

The footer takes two arguments, one of which is ignored, (langs), and the other of which is the name of the page, i.e. "Section" for Help:Section and is called enname. The first letter is made uppercase, and it's passed to Template:H:f Help. That calls a Template:ed, with one argument, which makes an edit link, then calls [[Template:Ph:{{PAGENAME}}]] (i.e. Template:Ph:Section for Help:Section). Then it includes a short paragraph explaining this system. The arguments are entirely ignored (at least on the English Wikipedia).


This category has only the following subcategory.