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[edit] Hammerfanrob06
I am a Christian of the Protestant denomination although I am not practicing.
I have 1 brother Richard whose interest's include music (US/Canadian Rock mostly) and socialising with friends, he intends to start learning to drive in the forseeable future.
My favourite sport is football (Merely as a spectator mostly due to a debilitating knee injury I suffered when I was 14) and I support my local team West Ham United
I however am an active badminton player and am slightly orthadox due to the fact I am left-handed but my main stance is 'backhand', I can play with both arms though I am stronger with my left.
I am right-footed and I can only participate in football by being the goalkeeper (which I am not too bad at)
Although left-handed I am ampidextous and am able to use right-hand scissors, pencil sharpeners, calculators, etc...
I am very much into technology and am competant in PC Maintenance, repair, web design, programming, video editing
I own a Playstation 2 (I await the Playstation 3) and also own other games consoles:-
- CBS Coleco Vision
- Nintendo Entertainment System
- Super Nintendo Entertainment System
- Playstation
- Playstation 2
My brother owns a Nintendo Gamecube.
I am an introvert, intelligent and shy when around those I don't know or feel uncomfortable being with, I find it hard to trust people but those I do trust and consider as a friend know me as being loyal and a level headed acquaintence.
I am a proud Conservative (not through family affiliation) as it is the party that represent's my personal opinions, I don't live with a rich family and am quite poor and have grown up with little money. I harbour traditional beliefs, I am pro-monarchy, I am not homophobic however I am against male homosexual parenting as I believe that a child should grow up with a mother's maternal instincts, I am a Eurosceptic, am pro-american and pro-israel
I like to think of myself as a Liberal Conservative or a Libertarian, a clear defintion of this from other types of Conservatism is as follows, Traditionalist Conservatives are described as Anti-Gay, sometimes Anti-Immigration 'at all costs', pro Tax Cuts 'all the time', I consider my views as a Liberal Conservative, Libertarian in the following ways
- I am in favour of Gay rights in general but against Homosexual parenting
- I am in favour of immigration on the basis of jobs which are in short supply, but am strongly opposed to illegal and uncontrolled immigration
- I am strongly against asylum seekers
- I am in favour of America over Europe
- I am pro-Israel
- I am a Eurosceptic
- I am in favour of free trade
- I am against ID cards
- I am against the current human rights act and believe it should be replaced by a greater constitution
- I am in favour of the current first-past-the-post parliamentary system
- I am in favour of the House of Lords
- I am against red-tape and beaurocracy