Half Moon (Efteling)

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Half Moon (or "Halve Maen" in Dutch) is a Ship swing in Efteling amusement park in the Netherlands. Designed by Ton van de Ven and built by Intamin; it opened its doors in 1982.

the new Halve Maen
the new Halve Maen

[edit] History and details

The Pirate Ship is actually not a “Pirate ship”, but a copy of the VOC - merchant Halve Maen of the Dutch East India Co. VOC, the first limited company which centuries later merged into Unilever.
The theming for the surroundings of the ride consists of a harbor in the Anton Pieck style.

Largest Pirate Ship in the world, according to the Guinness Book of Records. It is suggested that this record no longer stands; a larger one opened in Japan[citation needed].

[edit] The Ride

Ride Height: 20 meters
Highest Swing: 25 meters
Maximum Speed: 54 km/h g-forces: 0 negative
Capacity: 85 visitors
Cost: € 900,000

[edit] References

Company information
