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Haemamoeba is a subgenus of the genus Plasmodium - all of which are parastic protozoa. The subgenus was created in 1963 by created by Corradetti et al. [1] Species in this subgenus infect birds.
[edit] Diagnostic features
Species in the subgenus Haemamoeba have the following characteristics:
Mature schizonts are larger than the host cell nucleus and commonly displace it.
Gametocytes are large, round, oval or irregular in shape and are substantially larger than the host nucleus.
[edit] Species in this subgenus
Plasmodium cathemerium
Plasmodium coggeshalli
Plasmodium elongatum
Plasmodium gallinaceum
Plasmodium giovannolai
Plasmodium lutzi
Plasmodium matutinum
Plasmodium paddae
Plasmodium parvulum
Plasmodium relictum
Plasmodium tejera
[edit] References
- ^ Corradetti A., Garnham P. C. C. and Laird M. (1963). New classification of the avian malaria parasites. Parassitologia 5, 1–4