H (gang rapist)

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"H" (born 21st April 1983) was an unnamed member of a Lebanese-Australian gang rape squad in the Sydney gang rapes which targeted white Australian females.

H has had his name suppressed under court order due to his "intellectual and mental disabilities" [1]. During the course of his trial, it was revealed he had an IQ of 67. [2]

His involvement in the rape attacks were as follows:

August 4, 2000, Friday

A 14-year-old female is approached by four of the gang led by "H". He pulled down his pants, exposing his penis. He then put a condom on it and proceeded to masturbate in front of her. He then slapped her after receiving an insult from the female, then later invited others to participate in the attempted rape via mobile phone. The victim manages to escape the would be rapists. [3]

August 10, 2000, Thursday

Attackers offered a ride and a portion of marijuana to two women aged 17 and 18. The women were taken under duress to Northcote Park, Greenacre where more collaborators were waiting, the women were then forced to fellate eight males, including H. [4]

August 30, 2000, Wednesday

H participates in the rape of a woman by a gang of fourteen men. [5]

[edit] Fate of "H"

For his crimes, "H" was sentenced to a total 25 years imprisonment with a non-parole period of 15 years on August 23, 2002. [6]

However, in September 2005 H had his sentenced reduced after it was ruled that the rapes were not in the 'worst category' of rape. [7]

[edit] References