H. E. Bates

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Herbert Ernest Bates, CBE, who published under the pen name, H. E. Bates (May 16, 1905 - January 29, 1974), was an English writer and author. His most well-known works include Love for Lydia, The Darling Buds of May, and My Uncle Silas.


[edit] Biography

[edit] Early life, background, and education

He was born in Rushden, Northamptonshire, and educated at Kettering Grammar School. After leaving school, he worked as a reporter and a warehouse clerk.

Many of his stories depict life in the rural Midlands of England, particularly his native Northamptonshire. Bates was partial to taking long midnight walks around the Northamptonshire countryside - and this often provided the inspiration for his stories. Bates was a great lover of the countryside and its people and this is exemplified in two volumes of essays entitled Through the Woods and Down the River. Both have been reprinted numerous times.

In 1931, he married Madge Cox, his sweetheart from the next road in his native Rushden. They moved to the village of Little Chart in Kent and bought an old granary and this together with an acre of garden they converted into a home. H.E. was a keen and knowledgeable gardener and wrote numerous books on flowers. The Granary remained their home for the whole of their married life. After H.E’s death Madge moved to a bungalow, which had originally been a cow byre, next to the Granary. She died in 2005 at age 95. They raised two sons and two daughters.

[edit] Early works

His first novel, written when he was in his late teens was discarded, but his second, and the first one to be published, The Two Sisters, was inspired by one of his midnight walks, which took him to the small village of Farndish. There, late at night, he saw a light burning in a cottage window and it was this that triggered the story. At this time he was working briefly for the local newspaper in Wellingborough, a job which he hated, and then later at a local shoe-making warehouse, where he had time to write; in fact the whole of this first novel was written there. This was sent to, and rejected by, nine publishers, until the tenth, Jonathan Cape accepted it on the advice of their highly respected Reader, Edward Garnett. He was now twenty years old.

The Purple Plain (originally published in 1947) by H.E. Bates
The Purple Plain (originally published in 1947) by H.E. Bates

More novels, collections of short stories, essays, and articles followed, but the remuneration was meagre.

[edit] World War II short stories

During World War II he was commissioned into the RAF solely to write short stories. It was as simple and as revolutionary an assignment as that. The Air Ministry realised that the populace was less concerned with facts and figures about the war as it was with reading about those who were fighting it. The stories were originally published in the News Chronicle under the pseudonym of “Flying Officer X”. Later they were published in book form as The Greatest People in the World and How Sleep the Brave. His first financial success was Fair Stood the Wind for France. Following a posting to the Far East, this was followed by two novels about Burma, The Purple Plain and The Jacaranda Tree, and one set in India, The Scarlet Sword.

He was also commissioned by the Air Ministry to write the story of the Flying Bombs, but because of various disagreements within Government, it was shelved and publication was banned for thirty years. It was eventually discovered by Bob Ogley and published in 1994. Another commission which has still to be published is the story of the Night Fighters.

[edit] Post-war work

After the war other novels followed; in fact he averaged one novel and a collection of short stories a year, a prodigious feat. These included The Feast of July and Love for Lydia.

His most popular creation, however, was the Larkin family in The Darling Buds of May. Pop Larkin and his family were inspired by a colourful character seen in a local shop in Kent by Bates and his family when on holiday. The man (probably Wiltshire trader William Dell, also on holiday[1][2]) turned up to the shop with a huge wad of rubber-banded bank notes and proceeded to spoil his trailer load of children with Easter eggs and ice creams. The TV series, produced after his death by his son Richard and based on these stories, was a tremendous success. The My Uncle Silas stories were also made into a TV series.

Many other stories were adapted to TV and others to films, the most renowned being The Purple Plain which starred Gregory Peck, and The Triple Echo. Bates himself worked on other film scripts.

[edit] Honours and death

Bates was created CBE in 1973 and died in 1974 having written well over a hundred novels and collections of short stories.

A prolific and successful author in his own lifetime, his greatest success was however posthumous, with the television adaptations of his stories The Darling Buds of May and its sequels, and My Uncle Silas.

[edit] Bibliography

  • The Last Bread (1926)
  • The Two Sisters (1926)
  • The Seekers (1926)
  • The Spring Song and In View of the Fact That (1927)
  • Day's End and Other Stories (1928)
  • Catherine Foster (1929)
  • Seven Tales and Alexander (1929)
  • The Tree (1930)
  • The Hessian Prisoner (1930)
  • Charlotte's Row (1931)
  • A Threshing Day (1931)
  • Mrs Esmond's Life (1931)
  • The Black Boxer (1932)
  • Sally Go Round the Moon (1932)
  • A German Idyll (1932)
  • The Fallow Land (1932)
  • The Story Without an End (1932)
  • The House with the Apricot (1933)
  • The Woman who had Imagination (1934)
  • Thirty Tales (1934)
  • The Poacher (1935)
  • Flowers and Faces (1935)
  • The Duet (1935)
  • Cut and Come Again (1935)
  • A House of Women (1936)
  • Through the Woods (1936)
  • Something Short and Sweet (1936)
  • Down the River (1937)
  • Country Tales (1938)
  • Spella Ho (1938)
  • Country Tales (1938)
  • I Am Not Myself (1939)
  • The Flying Goat (1939)
  • My Uncle Silas (1939)
  • The Seasons & The Gardener (1940)
  • The Beauty of the Dead(1940)
  • The Modern Short Story (1942)
  • The Greatest People in the World (1942)
  • In the Heart of the Country (1942)
  • War Pictures by British Artists (1943)
  • Bride Comes to Evensford (1943)
  • Country Life (1943)
  • How Sleep the Brave (1943)
  • O More Than Happy Countryman (1943)
  • There's Freedom in the Air (1944)
  • Fair Stood the Wind for France (1944)
  • The Day of Glory (1945)
  • The Cruise of the Breadwinner (1946)
  • The Jacaranda Tree (1949)
  • The Country Heart (1949)
  • The Bride Comes to Evensford and Other Tales (1949)
  • Dear Life (1949)
  • Edward Garnett (1950)
  • The Scarlet Sword (1950)
  • Colonel Julien (1951)
  • The Grass God (1951)
  • The Country of White Clover (1952)
  • Love for Lydia (1952)
  • The Nature of Love (1953) - now available in large print from online bookshops
  • The Feast of July (1954)
  • The Daffodil Sky (1955)
  • The Sleepless Moon (1956)
  • Death of a Huntsman (1957)
  • Sugar for the Horse (1957)
  • The Darling Buds of May (1958)
  • A Breath of French Air (1959)
  • The Watercress Girl (1959)
  • An Aspidistra in Babylon (1960)
  • When the Green Woods Laugh (1960)
  • Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal (1961)
  • The Day of the Tortoise (1961)
  • Achilles the Donkey (1962)
  • The Golden Oriole (1962)
  • A Crown of Wild Myrtle (1962)
  • Achilles and Diana (1963)
  • Oh! To be in England (1963)
  • The Fabulous Mrs V (1964)
  • A Moment in Time (1964)
  • Achilles and the Twins (1964)
  • The Wedding Party (1965)
  • The Distant Horns of Summer (1967)
  • The Four Beauties (1968) - now available in large print from online bookshops
  • The White Admiral (1968)
  • The Wild Cherry Tree (1968)
  • A Little of What You Fancy (1970)
  • The Triple Echo (1970)
  • A Love of Flowers (1971)
  • The Song of the Wren (1972)
  • A Fountain of Flowers (1974)
  • The Yellow Meads of Asphodel (1976)
  • Flying Bombs over England
  • The Vanished World
  • The Blossoming World
  • The World in Ripeness
  • The Tinkers of Elstow

[edit] References to H. E. Bates

[edit] External links

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ thisislondon.co.uk The family that inspired hit TV series The Darling Buds of May [1]
  2. ^ The Guardian August 26, 2006 Our family holiday went down in TV history [2]