Guru Gobind Singh Sikh Center

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This Sikh Gurdwara or temple was established in 1980s with the help from the Sikh community members' contributions. This is a Sikh temple or Gurdwara located in long island, New York inside Nassau County, within Nassau County it is located in a town named Plainview. The address of the Sikh Gurdwara is 1065 Old Country Road, Plainview, New York, USA. Gurdwara sahib has Daily Morning services with Asa Di Var and Evening services with Rehras Sahib,Kirtan, and Gur Partap Suraj Granth Katha. This gurdwara is the main temple in Long Island. Gurdwara sahibs Head Priest is Gyani Amarjit Singh. Assistant Granthi is Gyani Karnail Singh. Sewadars are Bhai Dev Singh and Bhai Prithipal Singh. President of Gurdwara Sahib is Sardar Surinder Singh Chawla and Head Secretary is Sardar Varinderpal Singh Sikka. Gurdwara has a congregation of two thousand families. Most Formal services are hed on Fridays and Sundays. International Ragi Jathas,Kathakaars,Dhadi Jathas,Kavishri Jathas are invited in Services.