Gundremmingen Nuclear Power Plant

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Gundremmingen Nuclear Power Plant
Country Germany
Owner 75 % RWE
25 % E.ON
Operator Kernkraftwerk
Gundremmingen GmbH
Built 1962
Start of commercial operation April 12, 1967
Reactors active 2 (2938 MW)
Reactors shut down 1 (250 MW)
Capacity  MW
Total power generation in 2006 20,629 GWh
Average annual generation (last 5 yrs) 20,091 GWh
Net generation 403,092 GWh
Other details
Official Site
As of July 12, 2007

The Gundremmingen Nuclear Power Plant is a nuclear power station in Gundremmingen, district of Günzburg, Bavaria with two currently operating units. The unit A was the only reactor in Germany to ever have been completely "totaled" during an accident. The temperature of the core rose about 80 degrees Celsius, and damages were great enough that it was more economical to keep the reactor permanently shut down. Units B and C have since been built.

The nuclear power station Gundremmingen is with an output of 2 × 1344 MW the highest performance German nuclear power station. Operator is the nuclear power station Gundremmingen GmbH (KGG), which belongs to 75 % in meals of the residents RWE power AG and to 25 % in Hanover of the residents E.ON nuclear power GmbH.


[edit] Unit A

The old block A, a boiling water reactor with an output of 237 MW, which from 1966 to a heavy accident in January 1977 one operated, since 1990 is back-built. In the retreating longwall system block of A important realizations of new process engineering were won to the complete dismantling by nuclear installations. The retreating longwall system progressed meanwhile (conditions at the end of 2005) far. In January 2006 the Bavarian Department of State for environment, health and consumer protection approves the building one sucked. Technology center within the range former block of A. Here the in the future following work can be accomplished: Treatment of other radioactive substances with the goal of the release, conditioning of radioactive wastes, component maintenance, production and storage of tools and devices, storage and transportation supply from conditioned and unkonditionierten wastes to their processing and/or their Abtransport.[1 ] with permission is permitted also the disposal of radioactive substances over the fire-place. Maximally permissible radioactivity delivery per year: 50 MBq for aerosolfoermige radionuclides with radioactive half-lives of more than 8 days (except iodine 131), maximally 0.5 MBq for iodine 131 and maximally 100,000 MBq for tritium [2 ] History: After the city Nuernberg had protested because of their drinking water protected areas in the muendungsgebiet of the lechs against at the beginning of planned location the Bertoldsheim at the Danube (between Donauwoerth and new castle/Danube), approximately 50 kilometers Danube upward in Gundremmingen (between Dillingen and Guenzburg) of Germany was requested first large nuclear power station on 13 July 1962, approved already on 14 December 1962 and taken in December 1966 in enterprise. A protesting "emergency community atomic power plant Gundremmingen Offingen" was also brought to funds placed in prospect to growing silent [ 3 ]. On 13 January 1977 it came to mentioned above the large accident with total loss. With cold and damp weather short-circuits arose at two downstream-leading high voltage transmission lines. During the reactor trip scram introduced thereby it came to misguided policies. After approximately ten minutes reactor building the water of about three meters stood high and the temperature to approximately 80 degrees Celsius had risen in. At first it was called, the reactor in some weeks again into enterprise to go will be able. Politics and supervisory authorities required however a modernization of the direction and safety engineering on the state of the art. Because of the investments of some hundred million DM, necessary for the modernization, the operators did later without a restarting operation, particularly since the new blocks B and C already were in the building. It was in Germany the first and only large accident of an atomic power plant with total loss. The block A is backbuilt since 1983. The retreating longwall system should be locked up to the year 2005. The diminished total mass amounts to according to operator data altogether approximately 8200 Tonnen.[4 ] a majority of it in Gundremmingen developed procedure of a recycling is also supplied. That proportion, which must be actually final-stored because of radioactivity, lies with approximately ten per cent. Also for this still no ultimate waste disposal exists. Around 99 per cent are however contained of the radioactivity in the "burned down" fuel elements. So far still not one kilogram of this is disposed only in the reactor by splitting the uranium nuclei of produced high-radioactive fuel rod garbage. The garbage must be isolated because of its deadly radiation about 1 million years from the biosphere

[edit] Unit B + C

Commencement of construction of the blocks B and C was on 19 July 1976. Block B was finished on 9 March 1984, block C on 26 October 1984. With the blocks it concerns likewise boiling water reactors. In this type of reactor the water flows around the fuel elements, simmers and steam propels directly the turbine. Boiling water reactors have thus in contrast to the pressurized water reactors only a ring main system run. Each block is loaded with 784 fuel elements (). Contains RD. 174 kilograms uranium and consists of 100 (10 x 10) fuel rods. The power station Gundremmingen, which annually approx.. 20 billion a KW/H electric current produced, so far 400 billion a KW/H produced (conditions 1 December 2005). Thus computationally about 35 % of the Bavarian current consumption are covered. With the two boiling water reactors it concerns the series 72. So mentioned, because this was conceived for the first time in the year 1972. One in September 1999 requested achievement increase of both blocks of an electrical gross achievement of 1,344 MW each to 1.450 MW lies for years "on ice". The electrical net achievement amounts to 1,300 MW for each Meiler. Both blocks are taken into account for some years also for the load subsequent enterprise, with which the achievement of the current demand ("load") is after-steered. At least on weekends these reactors are throttled frequently in their achievement. The regular disconnection of the nuclear power station Gundremmingen B is so far announced for the year 2016, the disconnection of Gundremmingen C for 2017. The operators already had end of 1994 (Neu)Vertraege with the reprocessing plants ("WAA") in the French La Hague and in the British Sellafield quit and to strike thereby the way of the long-term temporary storage in. 1995 was used for the first time world-wide with boiling water reactors in large extent plutonium-bearing MOX. With RD. 40,000 objections protested the environmental protection federations. Over the reprocessing the resource uranium is substantially more effectively used by the employment of these mixing oxide fuel elements. The increased reactivity of these fuel elements was criticized again and again by federations, the operators must the safe disconnection of the reactor in each operating situation ensure and furnish with each change of the assembly of the reactor core the proof sucked. Shutdown reactivity, to be present must ensure around a disconnection. For the year 2004 the measured delivered radioactivity amounts to: 3 TBq into air and 5 TBq in the water

[edit] Intermediate storage of used nuclear fuel

On the area of the nuclear power station temporary storage facilities (ZL) for used up fuel elements developed since August 2004. For this presumably 30 millions euro are spent. The carcass resounds (104 m long, 38 m broad and 18 m highly) to end of 2005 was completed. After the interior fittings of the electricity installation, the heating and ventilation, which became installation of schwerlastkraenen as well as remainder work in the external area on 25 August 2006 the temporary storage facilities open and with the first Castoren from the nuclear power station equipped. Thick concrete walls, however with a wall thickness of 85 cm are substantially more thinly laid out than the comparable camps in Northern Germany (ZL Brokdorf 120 cm), and two 50 tons each heavy the hallentore are radiation risks to minimize. The concrete roof is likewise substantially more weakly laid out for built temporary storage facilities with 55 cm than the roofs in Northern Germany (e.g. ZL Brokdorf 130 cm). The power station operators (E.ON nuclear power GmbH, RWE power AG and nuclear power station Gundremmingen GmbH) placed a request for storage of up to 192 Castoren with burned down fuel elements. Adjacents resident complain with support of environmental's groups against the project before court. The Bavarian administrative court (VGH) rejected these complaints with judgement from 2 January 2006. A revision did not become certified. Hiergegen inserted the plaintiffs at the Federal Administrative Court into Leipzig nonadmission complaint. A decision concerning this is presumably made in the autumn 2006. Also the fear propels the opponents apart from the concern before large accidents and in particular terrorist attacks that the temporary storage facilities could develop to an unplanned dump, since also in the year 2005 against many promises world-wide still no ultimate waste disposal for burned down fuel elements, which must ensure the safe inclusion for approximately one million years, is present.

[edit] Trivia

The earlier name contraction for the nuclear power station read KRB (nuclear power station RWE Bayernwerk). Since short however the contraction KGG (nuclear power station Gundremmingen GmbH) is used. Temporarily also the abbreviation KGB (nuclear power station Gundremmingen operating company ltd.) in use was, this could however due to the similarity with the former Soviet secret service not become generally accepted.

[edit] KFU-Tower

East of the nuclear power station at 48°30'47 "northern latitude and 10°25'13" of eastern length there is the such called KFU Measurement tower, a 174 meter high reinforced concrete tower built in 1978, which carries instruments for monitoring of the air radioactivity.

Coordinates: 48°30′53″N 10°24′8″E / 48.51472, 10.40222

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