Gun law

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Gun politics

New Zealand
South Africa
United Kingdom
United States

Gun law refers to a law that pertains to firearms. Gun laws are highly dependent on date and location, as they have changed along with developments in weapons and societies.

The issue of gun law has become a political and/or controversial issue in many societies. There are many differing views on how gun laws should be set up in a society. A typical disagreement is over whether guns should be prohibited in the interest of public safety, or whether citizen gun ownership improves safety and should be allowed.


[edit] Australia

[edit] Brazil

[edit] Canada

[edit] China

Chinese citizens are prohibited from owning any guns. [1]

[edit] Finland

[edit] India

Indian citizens are prohibited from owning, possessing or carrying any gun without licensing under the central Arms Act. [2]

[edit] South Korea

In South Korea, it is a death penalty for anyone not related to military to own or distribute firearms.

[edit] Japan

Japan has strict laws, and civilians cannot own handguns. They can only own a shotgun or rifle, after scrutiny.

[edit] Mexico

Even though Article 10 of the Mexican Constitution declares the right to bear arms, it is currently illegal in Mexico for any civilian to own a fire arm of any caliber used, tested, or currently in use by the Mexican Government or Military.

This limits a citizen to legally own a .22 to .380 caliber rifle or similar firearm without a full-automatic firing system.

Ownership of any centerfire caliber designed for automatic or military rifles is forbidden.

[edit] Netherlands

Dutch gun law is typical of the Western European approach. Firearm possession is not subject to any constitutional protections, but regulated simply in the Arms and Ammunition Act (Wet Wapens en Munitie). Weapons, including firearms, are divided into four categories, and for each of the categories a certain maximum punishment is set for "voorhanden hebben" (possession), and "dragen" (carrying in public).

Only citizens who are members of hunting and shooting sports clubs may obtain licences for weapons. And even then they may only get a licence for category III weapons (sports weapons).

Firearm possession and use by the military and the police is not subject to Arms and Ammunition Act, but regulated separately.

Sale is only for those age 18 or over.


[edit] New Zealand

New Zealand gun law is covered by the Arms Act 1983 and the Arms Regulations 1992. In order to own a firearm, a person must obtain a firearms license. These are issued by the police and enable holders to own and use sporting rifles, shotguns and ammunition. In order to obtain a license, applicants must pass a test on 'safe and responsible firearms use, ownership, and storage'. They must also be a 'fit and proper person' to hold a license, based on a background check, and the license may be revoked for a variety of reasons. A special license is required by dealers, collectors, pistol club members, and owners of certain semi-automatic firearms. Less than 3% of all firearms owners have such endorsements and they must comply with much more stringent conditions than sporting firearms license holders. When not in use firearms must be locked in a secure rack and cabinet.[1]

[edit] Singapore

The only way for a civilian to own a firearm in Singapore is to acquire an Arm & Explosives license.[3]

[edit] Somalia

[edit] South Africa

[edit] Switzerland

[edit] Taiwan

Legal private ownership of firearms and ammunition is severely restricted. Aside from a few individuals licensed decades ago and shooting organizations sanctioned by the government, only aborigines may receive firearm permits.

With approval from the government, Taiwanese aborigines may build and possess up to two muzzle-loading black powder rifles per individual, or up to six rifles per household, for hunting and ceremonial purposes.

[edit] United Kingdom

[edit] United States

In the U.S., most federal gun laws are spelled out in one of the following:

In addition to federal gun laws, most states and some local jurisdictions have imposed their own firearms restrictions. The 'right to keep and bear arms' is a feature of the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, and by international standards there are few restrictions on possession of firearms.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ New Zealand Council of Licensed Firearms Owners (COLFO) Guide to New Zealand firearms laws: