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I have born in east black see region of Turkey once has been called LAZICA.

That my family tree included as Caucasians,Celts,Turks,Ottomans,Kurds,Georgians,Arabs.

We are well recognizable by our big noose to suspect any dirt people cover. Lazican tells truth without any fear to your face.

Such as, Turkish oppression called thing is only fault of crusaders who has supports the wilder barbarian soul of Armenians once has been socialized to live in peace in Ottoman Empire.

Yes. I do not reject assassin in Turkey.. (If France government asks you) There exist 185 Location registered as assassin graves in Turkey full of Turk, Kurd and other ethnic dominated by those barber Armenians (terrorists).

Armenians have never established a state called by a name until soviets has placed them to live in buildings out mountain dooms. Others (could have been civilized Armenians by Ottoman Empire) still lives in harmony in Turkey AS others UNCOUNTABLE ETHNICS.

However, I am still anxious about them that they would have Stop or try again terrorizing other ethnics again

Fact: Turkish republic has 56-politician suicide by Armenian terrorists.

And so happen as Serbs, Albanians, Greeks, Bulgarians, Macedon, Kurds, Charkas, Lazicans. I guess the problem with crusading outback is Muslim communites of those ethnic population has never tried to break to live in peace and harmony with others by Ottoman empire.