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The Gulon is a Scandinavian legend, also known as a "Jerff" in Sweden and "Vielfras" in Germany. It is a hodgepodge of various creatures, usually described as being the size and shape of a dog, with some catlike features such as the head, ears, and claws. It also supposedly has a thick coat of shaggy brown fur and a tail resembling that of a fox.

The Gulon is notorious as a symbol of gluttony because of the strange eating habits it is supposed to have. It will make a kill, and then gorge itself until it is swollen and unable to eat more, at which point it will find two trees and squeeze itself in between them, pushing the meat through its own body before returning to the kill and repeating the process.

It is generally agreed the Gulon was simply an early account of a wolverine, which has a reputation as a voracious glutton (often killing things much larger than itself, gorging itself to lighten the carcass, and then dragging the kill away to finish later,) and from a distance does resemble the description of the Gulon.
