Guli Danda

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Guli Danda is a game resembling a simplified form of cricket played in rural areas of the Indian Sub-Continent by boys and young men. Equipment consists of two wooden sticks, the Guli (equivalent to a cricket ball), a small stick up to eight inches in length and the Danda (equivalent to a cricket bat), a larger stick up to a yard in length. It is widely played in Punjab and rural areas of the North-West Frontier Province.

[edit] Political usage of the term "Guli Danada"

  • In order to confirm a close friendship with someone (it could be either in a Political context or Business), this term is often used in a sentence that "I have played Guli Danda with Mr. So and So". That actually means that "the two people mentioned in the sentence were fast friends in their childhood or teenage".
  • Sometimes it is confirmed to an audience in a satirical tone that "Party X has played Guli Danda with Party Y". In other words the underlying meaning of this sentence is that "Party X has destroyed Party Y" in a game which could either be Political, Business related or Familial.

[edit] External links
