Gulf of Zula

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The Gulf of Zula.
The Gulf of Zula.
Distribution of ethnic groups around the Gulf of Zula (just left of the center of the image).
Distribution of ethnic groups around the Gulf of Zula (just left of the center of the image).

The Gulf of Zula, also known in various accounts as Annesley Bay, the Bay of Arafali (or Baia di Arafali), or the Gulf of Arafali, is a body of water on the Eritrean coastline on the Red Sea, located at latitude. 15.1°, longitude. 39.7°. The Gulf lies near the midpoint of the Eritrean coast, between the Foro province and the Buri Peninsula of the Ghelae'lo province, both in the country's Northern Red Sea region. The gulf marks the territorial division between the Saho people and the Afar people.