Guest stars of Class of the Titans

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This page lists and describes the various guest characters of the Canadian animation series, Class of the Titans. The majority of these characters have appeared in only one episode, yet have usually had a significant impact on their plots.


[edit] Season 1

[edit] Aeolus

Aeolus is the former King of the Winds who gave Odysseus the West Wind in a bag (as well as the others) as a gift. He lives on a floating island that rests on the back of a giant turtle. He (or anyone) can control the winds by standing on his crest, saying the Greek word for wind (anemos) and directing it where to go. Chronus took control of the crest and winds until Odie arrived. He is depicted as a pot-bellied old man with a beard and an English accent.

Aeolus is voiced by Robert Russell and appears in Episode 1.15: The Odie-sey.

[edit] Apollo

Apollo is God of the sun, prophecy, medicine, and the arts, one of his attributes being the lyre. He is depicted as a pot-bellied man with a goatee and a bad Italian accent. Atlanta pokes fun at him for being out of touch with modernity, though he seems to enjoy Pan's trance music and owns a boombox.

Apollo is voiced by Trevor Devall and appears in Episode 1.4: Man's Worst Enemy, Episode 1.5: The Nature of Things, and Episode 1.9: Sibling Rivalry.

[edit] Arachne

Arachne was a mortal woman who was a very good weaver and boasted that she was the best, even better than Athena. One day, an elderly woman at her door warned her not to insult the gods. After hearing a few more insults from Arachne, the woman revealed herself as Athena, who challenged her to a weaving contest. Arachne came out on top with a shiny cloth. While Athena was already angry she had been bested by a mortal, Arachne's impertinent reaction caused the goddess to lash out in rage and transform Arachne into a giant red-black spider

Over the next millennia, she served as a weaver for the gods. She then made a deal with Cronus, if she captures the Chosen Ones, he turns her human. Arachne hypnotised Atlanta into capturing her friends, but Archie freed Atlanta from her control. After the fake prisoner hoax, Arachne was temporarily turned human until turned back when Cronus had to flee. This time, she was the size of a regular spider. After Atlanta convinces the gods that other transformed humans might join Cronos, Athena reluctantly returns Arachne to her mortal form.

Arachne is voiced by Nicole Oliver and appears in Episode 1.14: Make-up Exam.

[edit] Atlas

Atlas is a Titan and native of Atlantis. He usually supports the Pillars of the Sky, though once in a while, he needs a massage because holding the sky is a "pain in the back". He tells the kids that Atlantis and the Atlantic Ocean were named after him and sounds a bit like a cowboy.

Atlas is voiced by Scott McNeil and appears in Episode 1.7: The Antikythera Device.

[edit] Atropos

Atropos is one of the three Fates. She has control over the threads of life and chooses to let destiny unfold rather than control it or side with Cronus or the Olympians. She can make ghostly red-hooded spirits (which may or may not be Keres) appear on a whim and can also choose to make herself visible or not to the gods. She has the appearance of a bald woman with a robe that holds the life threads of every living being.

Atropos is voiced by Pam Hyatt and appears in episode 1.19: Road to Hades.

[edit] Calypso

Calypso is the nymph who kept Odysseus on her island, Ogygia, for seven years. When his descendant, Odie, washed up on shore, she wasn't going to let him, Jay and Neil leave her tropical island paradise. But when Odie showed some of Odysseus' intuition, she let him go with a ship leftover from one of her last boyfriends. After Odie saved the rest of his friends, he returned and they kissed. As she is immortal, she can wait for him to come back for as long as needed. At the same time, she regularly adopts any men who wash up on her island as her new boyfriends and has a display of keepsakes from them, mostly helmets.

Calypso is voiced by Sarah Johns and appears in Episode 1.15: The Odi-sey.

[edit] Campe

Campe is the Jailer of Tartarus. Her only escapee is Cronus. First planning to use the Chosen Ones as bait, she finally allied herself with them after an embarrassing fight against Jay. She had to choose between capturing Cronus and saving Herry's life. She has a woman's head, torso and arms, the body of a snake and has a live scorpion on her back that can detach itself of her body, and she wields a staff. Her favorite question to ask herself seems to be: "Is my enemy's enemy my friend or my enemy?". Ironically, in Greeky mythology, she worked for Cronus.

Campe is voiced by Pam Hyatt and appears in Episode 1.12: Prisoner Campe and Episode 1.26: Time After Time.

[edit] Charon

Charon is the ferryman of the underworld. He will only take you across the River Acheron if you pay him in gold coins. He wears a hooded robe so that all you can see of his face are his eyes and mouth.

Charon appears in Episode 1.4: Man's Worst Enemy and Episode 1.19: Road to Hades.

[edit] Dionysus

Dionysus is the God of wine and leisure. Pot-bellied and sporting a receding hairline, glasses-wearing resident chemist of the Gods. He manages to develop a cure for the Seeper plague that was released from Pandora's Box. Dionysus believes that every mistake you make will result you to become more knowledgeable (Odie is slightly doubtful about this).

Dionysus is voiced by Michael Dangerfield and appears in Episode 1.13: Little Box of Horrors.

[edit] Echo

Echo is a mountain nymph who loved the sound of her own voice and would talk incessantly, especially if she got the last word. When her constant chatter annoyed a god, she was punished so that she would only get the last word of others, thus the origin of echoes. Echo fell in love with Narcissus, who rejected her and broke her heart before her body faded away and left only her voice.

Over thousands of years, Echo learned to manipulate sound waves (regaining her own voice in the process, able to imitate other people with more word of her own and powers that have sound), construct a device that can allow her to eavesdrop on others, managed to create another body for herself, and learned how to teleport. The nymph falls in love with and kidnaps Neil (who quickly becomes annoyed of her still talkative nature), but ends up helping him save Jay and the others from Cronus when Neil tells her the defeat of his friends means the end of the world and, more importantly, Neil himself. After the adventure, Echo decides that Neil is too self-absorbed for her tastes and dumps him before he can do the same to her.

Echo is voiced by Maryke Hendrikse and appears in Episode 1.25: The Last Word.

[edit] Eros

Eros is God of Love and the son of Aphrodite. He is married to Psyche, the only one he allows to call him Cupid (his Roman name, which he dislikes) as a term of endearment. He appears as a short, slightly-round, balding middle-aged man who lives in the suburbs with his wife and is modelled after Danny DeVito [1].

Eros has the ability to turn invisible, which allows him to uses his golden arrows to make couples fall in love, particularly on Valentine's Day. Cronus, in a plot to cause strife throughout New Olympia, kidnaps both Eros and Psyche and then fills Eros with hatred before sending the god out with lead-tipped arrows to cause the Chosen Ones to bicker and hate each other. The spell on him is broken when he overhears Theresa and Herry discussing how Psyche remains Cronus' captive and he rushes to save his beloved.

Eros is voiced by Terry Klassen and appears in Episode 1.18: Bows and Eros.

[edit] Hecate

Hecate is the goddess of witchcraft, crossroads, and of the dead. Originally a benevolent entity, she was corrupted her own power and banished from the underworld for her wickedness. Exiled and sealed away on the moon, Cronus takes advantage of the full moon appearing on Halloween night to free her at the meeting of three roads (the crossroads) using a ground based satellite control station.

Once freed, she appears through at a movie screen and attempts to summon the dead to overtake the living and steals back a pair of torches which maximize her powers of witchcraft. The Chosen Ones defeat her by trapping her inside the movie's dimension. When she holds the torches, she takes on her triplicate form, sprouting the heads of a bear, dog, and horse. She was stopped for a while by a cake landing on her head. Apparently, she likes cake.

Hecate is voiced by Patricia Drake and appears in Episode 1.8: See You at the Crossroads.

[edit] Hades

Hades is the God of the Underworld, and Persephone's husband. He has purple skin, hair, and clothes, and his manner is effeminate. During the Titanomachy, he was to use his Helmet of Invisibility to steal the weapons in Cronus' armory.

Hades is voiced by Trevor Devall and appears in Episode 1.4: Man's Worst Enemy and Episode 1.26: Time After Time.

[edit] Hope

Hope was freed by Archie from Pandora's box, she shows him how much of a difference a little hope can make. She is depicted as a very cheerful, optimistic and, of course, hopeful little girl who can take a sparkly blue immaterial form to give someone hope. She is fond of starting her sentences with "I hope". After helping Archie, she brought hope to the world.

Hope is voiced by Britt McKillip and appears in Episode 1.13: Little Box of Horrors.

[edit] Jason

Jason is seen once in the Elysian Fields in the Underworld when Theresa went to get Orpheus's lyre. He distinctly resembles Jay and Theresa (who seems to like Jay) is momentarily distracted by him.

Jason appears in Episode 1.4: Man's Worst Enemy and Episode 2.4: Forget Me Not

[edit] Medelia

Medelia is a teenage field hockey player from a rival school and a direct descendant of sorcerer-queen Medea, whom Chronos awakens using an ancient dragon-shaped medallion. He exploits Medea's hate towards Jay's ancestor, Jason, who scorned her shortly after she helped him steal the Golden Fleece. She leads the Amazons as a warrior herself against the heroes and drives a chariot pulled by a dragon. She can also magically transport her victims to remote locations, as well as manipulate anything with magic as long as she is wearing the pendant. After the pendant was removed, she returned to normal and had no recollection of her time as Medea. Herry, Archie, and Odie go head over heels for her, and even Jay seems to be attracted, much to the annoyance of Theresa and Atlanta.

Medelia is voiced by Janyse Jaud and appears in Episode 1.11: Field of Nightmares.

[edit] Melampus/Russell

Melampus is a kind circus master in charge of the "Circus of the Impossible". He has the ability to get animals to do what he wishes using a form of telepathy. His real name is Russell, but he chose his stage name based on a mythological figure with the same powers: Melampus, described as the original Dr. Dolittle, who was an oracle with the ability to understand animals after snakes licked his ears. Cronus seems to think that Melampus shares some sort of direct connection to his mythological namesake and enchants him, making him bad-tempered, unable to talk to his animals and unwilling to help the Chosen Ones when Neil is kidnapped by Stymphalian birds.

Melampus/Russell is voiced Peter Kelamis and appears in Episode 1.23: Cronus' Flying Circus.

[edit] Minos

Minos was the mythological king of Crete, whose wife gave birth to the Minotaur. After his death, he became one of the three judges of the Underworld, particularly the one who has the final say in where the souls of the dead go. A declaration and the use of his gavel can technically transport anyone anywhere. Mostly, he sends everyone to Tartarus. He had a big fight with Herry over his gavel, which wore both of them out.

Minos is voiced by Trevor Devall and appears in Episode 1.19: Road to Hades.

[edit] The Oracle

The Oracle is an old bald man with strange glowing eyes, usually concealed with sunglasses, who can foresee the future and has been alive for about four thousand years, during which he's never once made a mistake. His obligated to give such information to those who request it. Cronus consults him to find out who or what stands in his way for world domination, and the heroes talk to him to discover Neil's location prior to the team coming together completely. He usually sits by a magazine stand in the streets of New Olympia. Given his strange eyes and his gift of prophecy, he may or may not be a reference to Teiresias, the blind prophet of Zeus. He likes sushi and thinks he looks like a bald cat.

The Oracle is voiced by Brian Drummond and appears in Episode 1.1: Chaos 101, Episode 1.3: Chaos 103, and Episode 1.26: Time After Time.

[edit] Orpheus

Orpheus was the famous love-sick musician. He lets Theresa borrow his enchanted lyre, mistaking her for his long-lost love Eurydice. He later leads a small group of dead spirits to fight off Chronos while Theresa, Jay, and Archie escape across the river. He resides in the elysian fields in the underworld with other heroes.

Orpheus is voiced by Peter Kelamis and appears in Episode 1.4: Man's Worst Enemy.

[edit] Pan/Phil/DJ Panic

Pan is the Demigod of Nature that was under the control of Cronos. Wreaks havoc under the name of Phil and DJ Panic by using hypnotizing trance music and can control plants, particularly vines. He can also shoot vines out of his fingers and open the ground to reveal a three-headed plant monster than spits acid and has sharp teeth. His appearance is similar to that of a satyr, half-man and half-goat. While disguised as a student at New Olympia, he was quite popular with the ladies and even attracted the attention of Atlanta, who had never been attracted to others in a romantic way before. There are hints that Pan will show up again in season 2 and influence both Atlanta and Archie.

Pan is voiced by Mark Hildreth and appears in Episode 1.5: The Nature of Things.

[edit] Pandora

Pandora was the first mortal woman, whom the gods created to punish mankind. She was given a box that she was told never to open, but her curiosity got the better of her and upon lifting the lid, she released all kind of evils and diseases into the world, though she shut Hope and the Seeper in before they escaped. Her box had since been hidden away in Ares' weapons chamber.

Pandora appears in Episode 1.13: Little Box of Horrors.

[edit] Pleione

Pleione is the wife of Atlas, and the mother of the Pleiades and grandmother of Hermes in mythology. She is depicted as a tiny woman dressed in pink and gives Atlas back massages and chiropractic care when he needs them.

Pleione is voiced by Maxine Miller and appears in Episode 1.7: The Antikythera Device.

[edit] Polyphemus

Polyphemus is the one-eyed cyclops and son of Poseidon who was blinded by Odysseus wielding a sharpened log, which he still keeps with him as a reminder. Since the blinding, he had taken up smithing to redeem himself in the eyes of the gods. Cronos gives him his sight back in exchange for seven descendants of the Greek heroes, and sets-up his new workshop at an abandoned factory. Poisoning his mind that the descendants of the original heroes were the originals, he captured five until Archie and Theresa freed them. Archie was about to use one of his own thunderbolts against him when Odie took the fall. Polyphemus revived him with his electric orb that also serves as a charger for the thunderbolts. But then Cronos brought the building down, possibly killing him. Polyphemus also holds strong values for honour.

Polyphemus is voiced by Terry Klassen and appears in Episode 1.17: Eye for an Eye.

[edit] Poseidon

Poseidon is the God of the Sea and one of Cronos' six children. He is armed with a giant trident that can be used by others to control water, though he also seems to be able to exert some control without it, such as when creating water tunnels. He is depicted as a giant merman with a long sea-green beard, fins for ears and on his arms and wearing a crown made of shells. He was the father of Theseus, and Theresa is therefore also descended from him (and Cronos). Cronos captured him and chained him to the sand in a desert, although Theresa rescued him. He lives in an underwater palace beneath the sea. During the Titanomachy, he had legs in lieu of a fish's tail.

Poseidon is voiced by French Tickner and appears in Episode 1.16: Get Kraken, Episode 1.26: Time After Time, and Episode 2.46 Cronus Keystroke

[edit] Psyche

Psyche is the loving wife of Eros and appears as a middle-aged woman with fizzy red hair, modelled after Rhea Perlman, the wife of Danny DeVito [2]. She and Eros are kidnapped by Cronus, who casts a spell on Eros so that the god will cause the Chosen Ones as well as everyone in New Olympia to hate each other. Psyche is held captive by Cronus, who eventually decides that she needs to be eliminated when Jay formulates a plan to rescue her. She is reunited with her husband when the spell on him is broken.

Psyche is voiced by Tabitha St. Germain and appears in Episode 1.18: Bows and Eros.

[edit] Sybaris

Sybaris was once a mortal queen, her betrayal of Hera led to Sybaris' imprisonment into a cave and banishment from all she loved. Her hatred for mortals made her a lamia, an early vampire. By day, she is a beautiful girl answering to the name of Thalia, but by night she was a humanoid half-bat half-snake creature. Hera took away all Sybaris loved, which were her offspring, while nearby villagers captured her and threw her off a cliff. She reverted to her human form and turned to stone; in the exact spot she fell a fountain sprung. In the future, a town was built around the fountain, positioning it so the fountain resided in the town square. Cronus revives her and suggests that she kills the Chosen Ones as revenge against Hera. To do this, Sybaris feigns romantic interest in Herry as a local girl named Thalia to capture and bite him while setting vampires free to attack his friends. Sybaris is defeated after a fight with Hera when Jay stabs the former in the back. Sybaris returns to stone and is restored to the fountain.

Sybaris is voiced by Laura Sadiq and appears in Episode 1.25: Sybaris Fountain.

[edit] The Techno-Greeks

The Techno-Greeks are a trio of techno-savvy assistants working for Hermes in a sub-station usually set below Hermes' communications room. They are Optus (Sam Vincent), Phonus, and Logus (David Kaye) (the latter said to have the fastest fingers any one can find) and are known for their searching and technological tracking abilities. In addition, they are very fond of online video games and invite Odie to join their team as a fourth player against Team ANUBIS, some online Egyptian opponents.

The Techno-Greeks are voiced by Sam Vincent (Optus) and David Kaye (Logus) and appear in Episode 1.23: They Might be G.I. Ants.

[edit] The Titans

The Titans were the giant immortal sons of Gaia and Uranus who fought against the first generation of Olympian gods during the Titanomachy. Cronus is a Titan himself, and they are all depicted as having red eyes. They are also shown as being in command of a battalion of harpies.

The Titans appears in Episode 1.26: Time After Time.

[edit] Season 2

[edit] Adonis

Adonis is a hunter and the Greek God of male beauty. In ancient Greece, he was fought over by Aphrodite and Persephone so Aphrodite locked his spirit in a box. She later forgot about it and a millenia later, Neil found and opened the box while moistorizing in Aphrodite's quarters. At seeing Adonis most of the nymphs fainted, and Aphrodite embraced him. Persephone overheard Neil muttering about how "this guy Adonniz" is making him look bad. Aphrodite and Persephone fight over Adonis again, while meanwhile him and "Ned" (Neil) have a face off. Envy appears and makes Adonis go mad, trying to kill Neil, until Jay and Theresa trap her in Pandora's Box and the curse is lifted from Adonis. Adonis gives Aphrodite and Persephone up, seeing that he should decide for himself.

Adonis appears in Episode 2.48: Face Off.

[edit] Autolycus

Autolycus is the son of Hermes and known as the "Prince of Thieves". Armed with a helmet of invisibility, he breaks into labs in New Olympia in order to steal Hercules' last surviving arrow with the intention to present it to Cronus.

Autolycus appears in Episode 2.12: Bad Blood.

[edit] Daedalus

A well known Greek inventor. Odie, Herry and Jay went searching for his workshop to find out about his secrets. But surprisingly, Daedalus is alive and wants to help them trap Cronus. But he then tricked them into the Labyrinth, using a duplicate of Jay to lure the others in. But Odie manage to steal a magical map of the Labyrinth. But it was revealed that Daedalus was an android. His upper half began his insane rampage. Luckily, the team placed bombs on key points in the maze, causing it to collapse. Daedalus was crushed by falling rock.

[edit] Demeter

The mother of Persephone and the goddess of harvest, Demeter becomes upset when Persephone fails to return from the Underworld, having been frozen in Hades' Chair of Forgetfulness. In her sorrow, she allows the world to become barren and freeze over.

Demeter appears in Episode 2.8: Cold Day in Hades and is voiced by Maxine Miller.

[edit] Eris

The goddess of discord, Eris appears as a teenage punk who decides to wreak havoc on New Olympia with a magic cell phone ringer. Her powers affect both the heroes and gods, causing the heroes to argue instead of working together. While Odie attempts to find the goddess Harmony fix the problems caused by Eris, the others are forced to overcome the spell Eris has cast in order to stop her. Even she was affected slightly.

Eris appears in Episode 2.11: Applet of Discord.

[edit] Gaia

The mother of Cronus, Gaia is the goddess of the earth. She comes to visit Cronus, who is annoyed with her unexpected visit, but soon uses her displeasure with Zeus to his advantage. The heroes find themselves attempting to protect Zeus against Gaia, who is setting off earthquakes around the world. As it turns out, Gaia only wanted Zeus to thank her for saving him from Cronus in the Titan War. After he reluctantly does this, she stops the quakes (much to Cronus' displeasure).

Gaia appears in Episode 2.10: Mother Knows Best.

[edit] The Graes

The Graes are three sisters who frequently squabble and share an all-seeing eye between them; they are known individually as Dread, Alarm, and Panic. Their eye had been stolen by Perseus (who apparently charmed the sister holding the eye into giving it to him), who used it find Medusa. When he was done with the eye, he tossed it into a lake, where it remained until it was located and found by Odie. When they discover their eye has been recovered, they pursue Odie and the heroes and demand for the eye's return. They possess the ability to create a strange fog that shows victims' their greatest fears.

The Graes appear in Episode 2.2: Graes Anatomy. They are voiced by Maxine Miller.

[edit] Harmony

Harmony, the goddess of harmony, appears as purple-skinned cobra. Despite her appearance, she is a pacifist and her words can soothe those filled with strife, from humans to gods. In order to stop Eris, Odie sets off to find Harmony.

Harmony appears in Episode 2.11: Applet of Discord.

[edit] The Heroes

The heroes from who Jay, Odie, Theresa, Archie, and Neil descend from, they now reside in the Elysian Fields. In hopes of learning more about their heritage, the chosen ones visit them.

  • Jason: The leader of the Argonauts, the ancestor of Jay. Jason also briefly appears in a non-speaking cameo when Theresa enters the Underworld to retrieve Orpheus's lyre. He bears a striking resemblance to Jay.
  • Odysseus: Wise and cunning, Odysseus is the ancestor of Odie and a hero of the Trojan War. Odysseus has also made appearances in season 1 as images, once when Odie researches his ancestor on his computer and also on a scroll used by Chiron to explain Odysseus' connection to Polythemis.
  • Theseus: The fighter who defeated the Minotaur, the ancestor of Theresa. Described as the son of Poseidon by Hera.
  • Achilles: A hero of the Trojan War, said to be great friends with Odysseus and the ancestor of Archie.
  • Narcissus: A hunter who fell in love with his own reflection, the ancestor of Neil.

The heroes all appear in Episode 3.5: Forget Me Not.

[edit] Orion

A hunter who once loved Artemis and was loved in return, Orion shared Artemis' competitive spirit and nearly matched her skill in archery. Artemis, when challenged to shoot a supposedly unhittable target in the sea, was too proud to refuse and proved her ability - not realizing her target was Orion. With his death, she had his spirit placed among the stars as a constellation so that she could see him every night.

Summoned by Cronus and taking on the form of a man made of stars, Orion willingly agrees to Cronus' request to find where the heroes meet the Olympian gods. Unaware of Artemis' reasons for shooting him, Orion targets Atlanta as a means to hurt the goddess. However, Atlanta manages to reveal Artemis' true feelings for Orion and he peacefully returns to the skies.

Orion appears in Episode 2.4: Star Quality.

[edit] Tantalus

A man punished for his arrogance in a pit in the underworld, Tantalus curses Atlanta when she falls into his pit during the heroes' attempt to find the key to the chest of Prometheus' son before Cronus does.

Tantalus appears in Episode 2.9: Tantalize This and is voiced by William Samples.

[edit] Thanatos

The God of Death. Sent by Cronus to kill the heroes after Cronus takes over the Underworld, Thanatos kidnaps Archie in the process.

Thanatos appears in Episode 2.1: Cronus Vanquished.