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GSAR may refer to one of the following:

  • Global(ly) Search And Replace: (in computing) SAR has long meant the initialism Search And Replace[1], the process of searching for a word or string in a text stream and replacing the search string with a replacement string— conditionally (CSAR) or unconditionally (USAR) — also sometimes called 'GSAR', or Global Search And Replace.
  • The process used in some command line processing as in the underlying Windows DOS kernal or Unix, general search utilities like Windows Explorer.exe (Not to be confused with Internet Explorer (MSIE) — a special mode of which is launched from within the windows start button menu system), and in Text editors of searching for a word or string in a text stream, sometimes allowing the search object to include wildcard characters, and replacing the search string with a replacement string— Such features either allow for a confirmation or veto of replacing each instance of a string string found, so are 'searching globally' and replacing 'conditionally' (CSAR) (Like a spell checker), where the opposite mode is to replace without asking for confirmation, or unconditionally USAR / 'GSAR', for Global Search And Replace.

[edit] Examples

  • The MS-Windows utility Notepad.exe does USAR/GSAR or SAR/CSAR using [CTRL][H] and mouse commands.
  • The Vi(M) text editor uses the string : %s/text to replace/text to replace with/g