Grzegorczyk hierarchy

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The Grzegorczyk hierarchy, named after the Polish logician Andrzej Grzegorczyk, is a hierarchy of sets of functions used in recursive function theory. Every function in the Grzegorczyk hierarchy is a primitive recursive function, and every primitive recursive function appears in the hierarchy at some level. See also recursive language. The hierarchy deals with the rate at which functions may grow: intuitively, functions in the low level of the hierarchy grow very slowly (for example, linearly), while functions higher up in the hierarchy grow very rapidly.

[edit] Definition

First we introduce an infinite set of functions, denoted Ei for some natural number i. We define E0(x,y) = x + y and E1(x) = x2 + 2. I.e., E0 is the addition function, and E1 is a unary function which squares its argument and adds two. Then, for each n greater than 1, we define E_n(x)=E^{x}_{n-1}(2).

From these functions we define the Grzegorczyk hierarchy. \mathcal{E}^0, the first set in the hierarchy, contains the following functions:

  1. the zero function (e.g., f() = 0);
  2. the successor function (e.g., s(x) = x + 1);
  3. the projection functions, which ignore arguments (e.g., p(x, y, z) = x);
  4. the compositions of functions in the set, for example, if g and h are in \mathcal{E}^0, then f(x) = h(g(x)) is as well; and
  5. the results of limited recursion applied to functions in the set, for example, if g, h and j are in \mathcal{E}^0 and f(y, x)\leq j(y, x) for all x and y, and further f(0,x) = g(x) and f(y + 1,x) = h(y,x,f(y,x)), then f is in \mathcal{E}^0 as well.

For each n greater than 0, we define \mathcal{E}^n to be set of functions that results from repeatedly applying composition (of functions in \mathcal{E}^n) and limited recursion (ibid) to the functions E0 and En together with the zero function, the successor function, and the projection functions.

Note that \mathcal{E}^1 provides all addition functions, \mathcal{E}^2 provides all multiplication functions, \mathcal{E}^3 provides all exponentiation functions, \mathcal{E}^4 provides all tetration functions, and so on.

[edit] Relationships to other function classes

The fourth level in the hierarchy, \mathcal{E}^3, is exactly the elementary recursive functions.

[edit] References

  • Brainerd, W.S., Landweber, L.H. (1974), Theory of Computation, Wiley, ISBN 0-471-09585-0
  • Rose, H.E., "Subrecursion: Functions and hierarchies", Oxford University Press, New York, USA, 1984. ISBN 0-19-853189-3