
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Commercial? Yes
Type of site Sub-domain hosted
Registration Required for creating websites.
Owner Robert
Created by Robert
Revenue Unknown
Current status v.2


[edit] is a business that creates and hosts websites for free. Each website consists of an advertisement banner that links to and text advertisements at the bottom of each page. The pages are coded by Robert, and hosted for free by Robert. and all websites registered on the domain are all hosted by BlueHost.

[edit] History of

In 2003, the webmaster of got the interest in websites, the Internet, and computers. By 2004, he had created his own personal website, coded using HTML, and had his website hosted a short time later, by 2004. The url of his first website, which still exists today, is Then, in 2005, after changing the purpose of his website (from an experimental website to a personal website) and after discovering how to create graphics, Robert started his own personal website that had information about his favorite topics, a "virtual city" page, similar to Millsberry, and would update his website once a month, and occasionally would miss a month. Then at the end of 2004, and in the beginning of 2005, Robert decided to create a website which would give information about his favorite topics, therefore he created a research topic website with the virtual town that he named "Robert City". He continued to update it until the end of 2005.

In 2006, Robert discovered Proboards and started to get into the message board system, and by the end of 2006, Robert was very knowledgeable with how a message board ran. Because of his interest in website making and message boards, in 2007, on his 14th birthday, his father registered a domain for him, (which is now located at, and the host, bluehost, had a message board feature that could be added to his website domain, and in the middle of 2007, Robert's new website had a message board generated by Simple Machines Forums and is still hosted and ran today. By then end of 2007, Robert decided that his interest of website making should be more serious, as he started to learn more about careers that he could have in the future.

By the end of 2007, Robert created his business,, and started a beta version to see how registration and membership pages would work. By the beginning of 2008, updated to version 2, which is the current version of It includes many new features that can be used on a registered member's website.

[edit] Upcoming versions

Version 3, which is on hold at the current moment (see Short Pause), will consist of one main feature and many other small features to keep the version interesting. The main features being the ability to remove the ads on a website via use of pay pall or other form, currently undecided, and the ability to edit your website via a file editor that Robert will program using PHP. It will replace the email system that Robert originally put together, which involved emailing him with updates for the member's website and waiting for a day to over a week for a response and sometimes an update. Other small features include increase of websites allowed to be registered under on registered membership account, a free blog linked to a registered member's website (still pending), and other small changes including a new template system which will indicate which version a member's website is currently created under.

Information concerning the upcoming version is made on the Blog, which contains information on upcoming features, V3 main page template previews, and links to sites that are connected to the domain and contain information and/or entertainment that is related to An example is the recently added [ Archive], which was based on the Internet Archive on the web. The archive has links to previous versions of, and consist of web pages that are copies of the originals, and connected via sub-domains.

[edit] Short Pause

As the webmaster of currently codes websites using Microsoft Windows 98, the development of his coding is slowed down by the OS's software and hardware, so version 3's development has been paused. Robert is expecting a new computer soon, by spring of 2008, and once he receives the new updated OS, he'll continue progress with version 3 and the websites he is currently maintaining.

[edit] After Short Pause

As of the end of March, Robert has upgraded his computer from a Windows 98 to a Windows XP. Version 3 is now being developed and is said to be released around the end of summer/beginning of fall, 2008.