Growth failure

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Growth failure is a medical term for a pattern of a child's growth which is poorer than normal for age, sex, stage of maturation, and genetic height expectation. Growth failure usually has an abnormal cause or causes. Many short children are growing normally and this is not referred to as growth failure.

Linear growth is measured by change of recumbent length in infants until age 2 to 3 years, when a child's height can be measured standing.

Growth Failure is a term used to describe failure to grow in length. Growth is a dynamic process that starts before a child is born and continues until the bones fuse after puberty. After puberty, bones continue to mature to achieve prime bone density.Growth in length per year is age dependent and may be affected by many different factors including, but not limited to; hormonal abnormalities, chronic illness, and genetic abnormalities. Failure to grow should be taken seriously as it may indicate a hidden illness, a pediatrician should be consulted if a child is exhibiting slow growth outside of the ranges shown below. All ranges described are averages for the age range. In addition, to rate of growth,the position of the child on the growth chart (which compares other children of the same age) should be observed. You can follow the progress of the children to make sure that they are achieving their appropriate potential.

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