
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm currently trying to learn everything I can about anything and everything.

Knowledge is power and ignorance is... well, the lack of power.

Actually, ignorance is also power, and knowledge is also the lack of power.

It all depends on your perspective.

The best interests of the oppressed and the oppressors are diametrically opposed.

I've taken a class on the Spanish language in college- the Spanish teacher I had has since retired, and I'm current taking a Latin American Spanish CD audio course at home. I plan to do Wikipedia articles on dialects of Spanish that don't already have Wikipedia articles, when I know enough about those dialects to do the articles.

In addition, I'm studying Spanglish, which is based on both Spanish and English.

I've also for a while been doing research on the hypothetical Proto-Germanic people, language, and culture. It's been incredibly frustrating so far.

I am working on making a list of all American Indian tribes and languages, and memorizing the names of all of them. This includes those of Canada, the United States Of America, Mexico, Central America, South America, and the Caribbean.

I'm using the term "American Indian" instead of "Native American" because I've been told that the term "Native American" only applies to those American Indians who are citizens of the United States Of America.

Many people will say that accomplishing this goal is impossible. Being told something is impossible makes me want to DO it!

I have made the decision to also make a list of all Black African ethnic groups and languages, and memorize the names of all of them.

I HAVE been told that THIS is impossible. That's why I'm going to prove those people wrong. I absolutely believe it IS possible.

A problem I've run into is, it appears that some Black African ethnic groups share a language, but I've still got a lot of research to do on that.

A potentially even bigger problem is, apparently many Black African ethnic groups have multiple names.

I've also come to know that there are ethnic groups within ethnic groups, and ethnic groups within ethnic groups within ethnic groups, and so on.

As well as the two above, I'm now working on a third such project: Making a list of all Australian Aboriginal tribes and languages, and memorizing all of them.

This is yet another one that I will be told is impossible. And yet again, I'm going to prove those people wrong.