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For the commune in Galaţi County, see Griviţa, Galaţi, for the commune in Ialomiţa County, see Griviţa, Ialomiţa, for the commune in Vaslui County, see Griviţa, Vaslui.

Griviţa (/'ʦa/) is an area of Bucharest, Romania, centered on the Griviţa Railway Yards (Atelierele Căi Ferate Griviţa), which were and still are an important landmark within the manufacturing landscape of the city. Located near Gara de Nord, their history dates back to the late decades of the 19th century, when they were developed in order to perform maintenance and overhaul of railway equipment serving Căile Ferate Române.

The name reflects the Romanian spelling for Grivitsa, a Bulgarian village near Pleven, where one of the Ottoman redoubts in the Pleven defense was stormed and captured with heavy casualties by the Romanian Army during the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878 (see Siege of Pleven).

What initially started only to serve the city of Bucharest and the surrounding areas, grew over time into a cornerstone of the entire railway industry of Romania. In the interwar period, after the start of the Great Depression, Griviţa Railway Yards also become a focal point of the labor movement. The Griviţa Strike of 1933 and its violent repression by the authorities are still remembered in Romania.

During the communist regime, their name was changed to Griviţa Roşie ("Red Griviţa"), in memory of the 1933 events. The area surrounding the Yards, one of the oldest of the city of Bucharest, became known as Cartierul Griviţa ("Griviţa Borough"), populated by the workers of Griviţa Railway Yards. To this day it remains a blue collar neighborhood.