Talk:Greets Green
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Greets Green is located at the far end of West Bromwich and is about roughly a twenty minutes bus ride from Dudley Zoo. It consists of mainly private and council houses, and up until the mid 1980's had a lot of factories, which were closed due to the recession. One widely known foundry was the Delta Extruded Metals Company (also known as Delta Rods), which was located on Greets Green Road. I spend eight years of my working life there which I thoroughly enjoyed. During the recession years, the local government offered industrial organizations wage subsidies in order to keep these businesses running. This enabled me to only work four days a week but got paid for 4 and 1/2 days a week, while still keeping my job. Delta eventually became taken over by a foreign company and its name was changed to Cerro Extuded Metals. It finally closed about two years ago.
D. Hemmings