Grewcock's Sportive Lemur

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Grewcock's Sportive Lemur
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates
Family: Lepilemuridae
Genus: Lepilemur
Species: L. grewcocki
Binomial name
Lepilemur grewcocki
Louis, Jr, 2006

Grewcock's Sportive Lemur (Lepilemur grewcocki) is a sportive lemur endemic to Madagascar. It is a medium-sized sportive lemurs with a total length of about 55 to 63 centimeters, of which 26-30 centimeters are tail.[1] Grewcock's Sportive Lemur is found in northwesetrn Madagascar, living in dry deciduous forests .[1]

The Latin name for this animal is sometimes given as L.grewcockorum.[1][2] The common name is sometimes given as Grewcocks' Sportive Lemur.[1]

There is some question as to whether the Manasamody Sportive Lemur, L. manasamody, is actually the same species as Grewcock's Sportive Lemur. If so, L. manasamody would be considered a junior synonym of L. grewcocki.[2]

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b c d Garbutt, Nick (2007). Mammals of Madagascar, A Complete Guide, 128. 
  2. ^ a b Runhua Lei, Shannon Engberg, Rambinintsoa Andriantompohavana, Susie McGuire, Russell Mittermeier, John Zaonarivelo, Rick Brennerman, and Edward Louis, Jr. (2008-02-15). "Nocturnal Lemur Diversity at Masoala National Park". Special Publications Museum of Texas Tech University 53: 24-25. 