Greg Perry (author)

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Greg Perry (born 1961 in Oklahoma) is an author born with only three fingers and one leg.

Perry has written more than 75 books, totalling over two million copies. [1]

Perry has spoken multiple times on C-Span, and has had one of his books featured in a key scene in Sandra Bullock's The Net[citation needed].

He speaks around the country on such diverse topics as computers, eBay, guns, and the evils of government intrusion. [2] He appeared on Bullshit! discussing his belief in the intrusion and complete failure of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Perry's guest-hosted a national television talk show numerous shows, has been interviewed hundreds of times on television and radio, and writes a syndicated newspaper column about eBay [].

[edit] References

Disabling America: The Unintended Consequences of the Government's Protection of the Handicapped (2004), Nashville: Thomas Nelson/WNDBooks. ISBN 0-785262-25-3.