Greengrass Pipe Dancers

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Greengrass Pipe Dancers
Author Lionel Little Eagle Pinn
Illustrator Matthew Atkinson
Cover artist Matthew Atkinson
Country United States
Language English
Subject(s) United States History, Native Americans Grief and healing
Publisher Happy Camp, CA, Naturegraph Publishing
Publication date 2000
Media type Print (Paperback)
Pages 257
ISBN ISBN 0-87961-250-9

Lionel Little Eagle Pinn Greengrass Pipe Dancers, published in 2000, is a deeply personal history of Native Americans and the fundamental but profound processes by which they live their lifes. Pinn pushes the envelope of expression and discovery in his biographical telling of his life from 1988 to 1992. The book is presented in "5 key elements" which include his wife "Tamara Lynn Brown" who was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1987 at the age of 32. "The Healing" is describe as the second element and is initially pertains to a healing of Tamara's cancer but later becomes a healing of a familiy and native people. The third element of the book is presented in a broader sense as "The People" which brings to life the beauty and majesty of the Native American culture. The fourth element is a sigficant symbol and instrument of the ceremonial Indian life described in the book as "The Pipe Bag". The specific pipe bag of this story is thought to have been owned by legendary Lakota mystic and spirutal leader Crazy Horse. The book leads the reader through the 100 plus years of the chronological history of the pipe bag from its original owner Dr. Alexander Brown a reservation doctor of the late 1890s to his son, Vinson Brown and eventually to Pinn. The fifth more metaphsical element of the book is call "The Dance". Pinn expresses that "Life is a dance itself" and the many phases and stories are steps in that dance. The physical dance most centered in the book surrounds the traditional sun dance of the Lakota Sioux nation.

[edit] Content

The book is broken out in to three parts described as separate "books" and 77 chapters. Book One entitled "Learning the Dance" brings to live the special relationship of native people with the earth as well as among themselves. It introduces the geographics of the journey which includes the Pine Ridge and Cheyenne River Tribe reservations of South Dakota as well as the spiritual geographics of native America which is represented, in this segment of the book, in part, as the re-introduction of the sacred White Buffalo Calf Woman pipe back into ceremony after after seven years in hiding by Chief Arvol Looking Horse the 19th generation Keeper of the Pipe. Book Two opens with the return of Pinn and his wife to Greengrass, South Dakota. The purpose of these travels are to gain enlightment and instructions as to the responsibilities surrounding the keeping of Crazy Horse's pipe bag which had been passed on to Pinn. Among the teachers and guides to enlighten Pinn include Steven Old Coyote, Frank Fools Crow, Pete Catches, the Chipps family, Wallace Black Elk, Celine Not-Help-Him, Tom and Shirely Calfrobe as well as Arovl Looking Horse. Readers get a first hand viewpoint of some of the most sacred and protect ceremonies surrounding their deeply spiritual beliefs. Book Three opens with the powerful and emotional chapter called "Truth". Pinn and his wife are driving on a Washington state highway just after becoming aware of the explosive reality of Tamara's diagnosis with terminal cancer. Readers are exposed to the vulnerbilities of that transitioning time.

[edit] Chapters

  1. Rain Bugs in Paradise - BOOK ONE - LEARNING THE DANCE
  2. Downtown Greengrass
  3. Big Bear Sweat
  4. Eagle Dream
  5. Hey You!
  6. Micmacs in South Dakota
  7. Council Tree
  8. First Sweat
  9. Sam Bald Eagle's Council
  10. Coyote and the Kitchen Boss
  11. The Changing Pipe
  12. Land of Eyanska
  13. Pipe Bag Visit
  14. Wambli comes to Greengrass
  15. Gathering Song
  16. Give Away
  17. Coyote Vision
  18. Mingling Spirits
  19. Calf Pipe Story
  20. Old Coyote Message
  21. Time to Dance
  22. Returning the Dance - BOOK TWO - RETURNING THE DANCE
  23. Tom Calfrobe
  24. Hey You! Part Two
  25. Greengrass Morning
  26. Top of the World
  27. God's Big Toe
  28. Listening to the Clouds
  29. Mother's Wisdom
  30. Living Pipe Bag
  31. Cabin in the Clouds
  32. Pipe Keeper's Visit
  33. Greengrass Farewell
  34. Pine Ridge
  35. Fools Crow's Eyes
  36. Fools Crow Sweat
  37. Smoking with the Pope
  38. The Elder's Message
  39. Not-Help-Him Helping
  40. Celane's Smile
  41. The Lance Society
  42. Xat Medicine Society
  43. Tears from Nowhere
  44. Raven's Trailer
  45. Keepers of the Flame
  46. Yuwipi Preparations
  47. Crazy Horse Sweat
  48. Yuwipi Time
  49. Young Bear
  50. Pete Catches' Medicine
  51. Celane's Message
  52. Going Home Again
  54. Time Flies When You're Dying"
  55. Moon of the Greengrass Sun Dance
  56. 'Chanunpamony'
  57. Sweatlodge Visit
  58. Can-Wanka Mystery
  59. Keven Brown Eagle
  60. Dream Bag
  61. Day One of the Greengrass Sun Dance
  62. Arvol's Council
  63. Two Men Dancing
  64. Paha Sapa Council
  65. Day Two of the Greengrass Sun Dance
  66. Winged One Pays a Visit
  67. Noon Meal
  68. Dancing On
  69. Calf Robe Wrapping, Hey You!
  70. Day Three of the Greengrass Sun Dance
  71. Sun Dance Healing
  72. Coyote Smoke
  73. Drumming for Strength
  74. Sweet Dreams
  75. Day Four of the Greengrass Sun Dance
  76. Two-Feather's Council
  77. The Pipe Day, Releasing the Dance