Green moray

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Green moray

Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Anguilliformes
Family: Muraenidae
Genus: Gymnothorax
Species: G. funebris
Binomial name
Gymnothorax funebris
Ranzani, 1840

The green moray, Gymnothorax funebris, is a moray eel of the family Muraenidae, found in the western Atlantic from New Jersey, Bermuda, and the northern Gulf of Mexico to Brazil, at depths down to 40 m. Its length is up to 2.5 m.

Green moray
Green moray

The green moray is a very large moray, uniformly dark green to brown. It is a benthic and solitary species occurring along rocky shorelines, reefs, and mangroves, usually found shallower than 30 m. Due to its large size and aggressiveness, the bites of this moray are particularly dangerous. It feeds mainly at night on fish and crustaceans.

It is marketed fresh and salted, although large individuals are cigua-toxic.

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