Green brands

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"Green" brands are those brands consumers associate with environmental conservation and sustainable business practices. Such brands appeal to consumers who are becoming more aware of the need to protect the environment. A green brand can be add a unique selling point to a product and can boost corporate image. However, if a company is found or perceived to overstate its green practices its green brand may be criticised as greenwash. [1] [2]


[edit] Increase in green brands

Ethical consumerism has lead to an increase in green brands. In the food and drinks industry only 5 green brand products were launched in 2006, increasing to 328 in 2006 (Mintel global database).[3] [4]

With an increased awareness of the problems associated with global warming, consumers are now generally more likely to support (through purchase) a green company.[5] As ethical consumerism is on the increase in Europe greening brands a brand can become part of brand management, and evaluated in terms of brand impact and brand risk.[6] Some leading brands, such as Coca-Cola, now recognise that environmental issues can potentially impact on the brand value.[7]

[edit] Packaging

In the case of consumer brands packaging can be a key element in communicating a green brand. This is because packaging communicates information to the consumer at the point-of-sale, and because of the environmental impact of the packaging itself.

Companies may use environmentally friendly, recycled and/or recyclable material, or reducing excess packaging. [8] [9] [10] Packaging is of especially high brand importance when the packaging is part of the aesthetic appeal of the product and brand, as in the case of the cosmetics and toiletries sector. Packaging material may have to not only reinforce environmental credentials, but also communicate the high-quality and luxury image of the brand.[11]

Packaging also communicates the brand's green message to the consumer. For example the brand Innocent Drinks is recognised in Britain for its innovative ways of communicating its (green) brand via its packaging.[12] [13]

[edit] Advertisement Standards Concerns

In Europe concerns have been raised that consumers might be confused or mislead as a result of a recent increase in green brands. Because green brands can add a unique selling point there is little consistency from brand to brand. In the food and drinks industry it has been observed that companies are reluctant to use existing and widely recognised green logos, such as the mobius loop, because using their own makes the brand more easily distinguishable for the consumer.[14]

In Britain the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has warned consumers in mid 2007, that some "green" claims might not be authentic. The ASA stated that green claims have become noticeably more prevalent in advertisement, and has investigated and upheld several complaints regarding "unsubstantiated environmental claims". The ASA Director General has stated that "the ASA needs to see robust evidence to back up any eco-friendly claims".[15]

The ASA in Britain has also raised concerns that as awareness about climate change increase among consumers, the cases of unsubstanciated carbon claims (e.g. carbon neutral claims) rises.[16] The ASA has upheld a number of complaints against energy companies, including Scottish and Southern Energy[17] car manufacturers, including Toyota[18], Lexus[19] and Volkswagen[20] , and airlines, including EasyJet,[21] for misleading claims regarding carbon emissions and carbon neutrality.

Recent cases involved claims around environmental claims such as "local". In December 2006 for example the ASA upheld a complaint against Tesco, where the company advertised British products as "local", which the ASA ruled to be misleading because in this particular case the consumers were likely to interpret “local” as referring to their immediate surrounding region. [22]

[edit] See also


Ethical consumerism


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