Green Zebra

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Green Zebra
Green Zebra among other tomatoes
Green Zebra among other tomatoes
Maturity 78 days
Type Heirloom
Vine Indeterminate
Plant height 9 feet
Fruit Weight 6 oz
Leaf regular
Color Bicolor: Green with yellow stripes
Shape Globe
Green Zebra tomatoes
Green Zebra tomatoes

Green Zebra is a tomato cultivar with characteristic dark green and yellow stripes, although there are newer variations that blush a reddish color instead of yellow when ripe. It is slightly more tart than regular tomatoes, and it is an unusually early breed.

Green Zebra was bred by Tom Wagner of Everett, Washington, and first introduced in his Tater-Mater Seed Catalog in 1983. Given its recent origins, it is not an heirloom tomato, despite often being mistakenly designated as one.

[edit] See also