Green Party of Canada leadership conventions
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As stipulated under the party's current constitution, the Green Party of Canada holds a national leadership convention every 4 years.
Ballots are always mailed out in advance to all Green Party of Canada "members in good standing" - allowing the option of voting by mail to all party members who do not wish to attend the convention in person.
The party uses an instant-runoff voting (IRV) ballot system for the election of its leader and councillors and a standard yes-or-no ballot for voting on constitutional amendments.
[edit] National Leadership Conventions (list incomplete)
- 2006 leadership convention - Held August 24-27, 2006 in Ottawa, Ontario.
- 2004 leadership convention - Held near Calgary, Alberta.
[edit] Current and Past Green Party of Canada Leaders
- Elizabeth May (2006-Present)
- Jim Harris (2003-2006)
- Chris Bradshaw (2001-2003)
- Joan Russow (1997-2001)
- Harry Garfinkle (1997)
- Wendy Priesnitz (1996-1997)
- Chris Lea (1990-1996)
- Kathryn Cholette (1988-1990)
- Seymour Trieger (1984-1988)
- Trevor Hancock (1983-1984)