User:Grabacr Fighter Squadron

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Grabacr Fighter Squadron - AKA the 8492nd Squadron, is one of the enemy squadrons that appear in Ace Combat 5.

Formed: February of 1996 Dismantled: December 31st, 2010 Operators: ,Belka, Aircraft: F-15S/MTD Eagle,S-32

The Grabacr Squadron was a Belkan Squadron which operated within the Osean Military. After the Belkan War in 1995, in order to improve relations between the two countries a new Tactical Fighter Squadron was formed. They called themselves the 8492nd Squadron, and were comprised of Belkan Aces from the war. As time went on they completed every one of their tasks and orders without fail, gaining the trust of the Osean Government. However, as time passed their operations began to wind down and the squadron became somewhat inactive. Eventually, any knowledge of them became unknown as their military sponsors changed with each new presidential election- by the time Vincent Harling assumed the presidency, none in the Osean government knew of the 8492nd Squadron as an 'official' squadron.

When the Circum Pacific war began in 2010, Osea was thrown full force into the war. The Osean Military was busy dealing with Yuktobanian counter attacks and preparing for an invasion of Yuktobania. As all this went on, the 8492nd Squadron restarted operations in secret. These were not Osean operations, but orders transmitted from “The Grey Men” of Belka. Although many Belkan territories had been split between Osea and Yuktobania, the Grey Men had their own plans in place regarding the fate of those whom had taken control of their land. Each pilot still held a deep hatred for Osea and would do anything to avenge the defeat that Belka suffered 15 years earlier. They commenced operations that would make the war continue, making the former allies fight one another until all of their fighting strength was wasted. This would be the ultimate victory for Belka.

Soon, the Grabacr Squadron saw the scale of the war being tipped in the favor of Osea, due to the War Dog Squadron. Seeing that this one Squadron would soon realize the truth about the war, the “8492nd” framed the War Dog squadron. They attacked a civilian college which was in the operational range of War Dog Squadron, and Osean High Command recalled the entire squadron from active duty, pending the results of an ongoing investigation.

When War Dog returned, the Grabacr then set them up in another trap. As the Osean Vice-President was holding a meeting in Autum Stadium in November City; the 8492nd disrupted Osean Operations and allowed Yuktobanian Forces to attack by claiming that the air battle taking place above the city was just a 'training excercise' and then calling back the reinforcements.

Although the War Dog squadron held them off, they lost a pilot in the process. The Grabacr then went a step further and jumped them days later, when they were returning from conquering Cruik Fortress. War Dog escaped, but were set-up by Sand Island's Adjutant Base Commander: Allen C. Hamilton (A Belkan warmonger agent). Hamilton convinced the commander of the Sand Island base that War Dog were Yuktobanian spies and thus they are branded as traitors. The War Dog pilots escaped from Sand Island along with "Pops" (An engineer in the Osean Air Defence Force who was in reality a former Belkan Ace known as "Huckebein the Raven"). Hamilton sent the “8492nd” Squadron after them, however, they lost them over a volcanic Island. War Dog were later shot down by Marcus Snow (Callsign:Swordsman). However, this was a staged death- and a calculated gamble by Capt. Anderson, who was in command of the Kestrel, an Osean air craft carrier. He also had realized that something was going on behind the scenes of government in both Osea and Yuktobania. He needed the help of the disgraced pilots to prove the intelligence his fleet had gathered was correct.

The Grabacr encountered them once again as the “Ghosts of Razgriz", when Prime Minister Nikanor of Yuktobania was being evacuated from confinement. The 8492nd aircraft were shot down, but the pilots escaped and re-grouped. They later re-engaged the Razgriz when Belka attempted to drop the SOLG onto the Osean City of Oured. The Grabacr and the 2nd Belkan Squadron, the Ofnir squadron; fought until they met their demise.