Grasshopper chess

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Image:chess zhor 26.png
Image:chess zver 26.png a8 rd b8 nd c8 bd d8 qd e8 kd f8 bd g8 nd h8 rd Image:chess zver 26.png
a7 gd b7 gd c7 gd d7 gd e7 gd f7 gd g7 gd h7 gd
a6 pd b6 pd c6 pd d6 pd e6 pd f6 pd g6 pd h6 pd
a5 b5 c5 d5 e5 f5 g5 h5
a4 b4 c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 h4
a3 pl b3 pl c3 pl d3 pl e3 pl f3 pl g3 pl h3 pl
a2 gl b2 gl c2 gl d2 gl e2 gl f2 gl g2 gl h2 gl
a1 rl b1 nl c1 bl d1 ql e1 kl f1 bl g1 nl h1 rl
Image:chess zhor 26.png
Grasshopper chess. Second and seventh ranks are occupied with grasshoppers.

Grasshopper chess is a chess variant, in which the pawns are allowed to promote to a fairy piece grasshopper. Grasshopper (shown as an inverted queen) must hop over other pieces in order to move or capture.

In some variations grasshoppers may also be present on the board in the opening position, in addition to the usual pieces. For example, pawns can be moved forward and grasshoppers put along the second and seventh ranks[1] as shown on the diagram at right. Another possibility is to replace queens with grasshoppers in initial position.[2]

[edit] References

  1. ^ J. Boyer (1951). Les Jeux D'Echecs Non Orthodoxes. 
  2. ^ Pritchard, D. (1994). The Encyclopedia of Chess Variants. Games & Puzzles Publications. ISBN 0-9524-1420-1. 

[edit] External links