Grand Hotel Dolder

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Grand Hotel Dolder
Grand Hotel Dolder

The Grand Hotel Dolder (also called The Dolder Grand) is a 5 star hotel in Zürich opened in 1899. The hotel is located on 40.000 m², with 173 rooms that cost between 850 und 14.000 Swiss Francs per night.

[edit] History

The hotel was opened originally as a spa hotel ("Curhaus") before it became a luxury hotel. In 2004 it temporarily closed for an extensive renovation.

On April 3 2008, the hotel was reopened. The renovation and enlargement were led by Norman Foster[1], costing SFR 440 Million according to the major shareholder Urs Schwarzenbach . The restoration maintained the original appearance from 1899, and several buildings that were added in the 1920's were removed. Additionally, there were two new wings added, adjancent to the old building. Under the old foundations there were two additional floors added. Not only the architecture, but also the hotel concept went back to its origins - now it is positioned as a luxourious spa hotel.

Before the hotel opened for guests, it had free Open Days when the public could visit the hotel on predefined paths. The people were waiting up to 3.5 hours to enter the new rooms[2].

[edit] References

  1. ^ Innige Umarmung und enges Korsett - IM BRENNPUNKT - Zürich - Tages-Anzeiger
  2. ^ Ansturm auf das Dolder Grand - Zuerich

[edit] External links
