Grammar schools in Northern Ireland

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Northern Ireland still maintains the grammar school system with most pupils being entered for the Eleven Plus. Unionists tend to lean towards preserving the grammar schools as they are, with academic selection at the age of 11, whereas republicans lean towards scrapping the Eleven Plus. The matter remains one of deep contention between the province's political parties. The Democratic Unionist Party claimed to have ensured the continuation of the grammar school system in the Province as part of the St Andrews Agreement in October 2006. By contrast Sinn Féin claimed to have secured the abolition of the 11-plus and a veto over any system which might follow it. The outcome was that the government decided to end the 11-plus with the final 11-plus transfer test taking place in 2008.[1]

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ The schools system in Northern Ireland BBC News, October 22, 2007

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